Dacheng Recognized in 11 Practice Areas with 28 Individual Listings in the Chambers Global Legal Guide 2024

Posting Date: 2024.02.15

On February 15, 2024, the internationally recognized legal rating organization Chambers and Partners announced the release of its Chambers Global Legal Guide 2024, and Dacheng Law Offices, with its exceptional overall strength, impressive market competitiveness, and outstanding reputation among clients, secured recognition in 11 practice areas, with 28 individual listings (27 lawyers) highlighted as key recommendations. (The following are listed in order as per the Guide.)

At Dacheng Law Offices, we are sincerely grateful to our clients for their long-standing trust and support, as well as to the media and industry peers for their recognition of our legal service capabilities. Moving forward, we will be motivated by this honor, translating our responsibilities into tangible actions. We will continue to leverage the strengths of Dacheng's global legal service network to provide clients with professional, comprehensive, timely, high-quality, and efficient legal services.

Ranked Practice Areas


Band 1

International Trade: Customs, Exports and Transactions


Band 2

Aviation: Finance

Capital Markets: Securitisation & Derivatives

Energy & Natural Resources


Band 3

Banking and Finance


Dispute Resolution

International Trade/WTORespondant

Projects and Infrastructure



Capital Markets: Domestic Issurance

Internatinal & Cross-Border Disputes


Ranked Lawyers

Eminent Practitioner 

Jingjing Wu  Dacheng Shanghai Office

Aviatioan: Finance


Band 1

Guohong Zhan  Dacheng Shanghai Office

International Trade: Customs, Exports and Transactions


Band 2

Yao Zhou Dacheng Beijing Head Office

Aviatioan: Finance


Kaiming Cai Dacheng Beijing Head Office

International Trade: Customs, Exports and Transactions


Huazhi Yuan Dacheng Beijing Head Office

Projects and Infrastructure


Band 3

Leo (Liang) Zhou Dacheng Guangzhou Office

Banking and Finance


Litong Chen  Dacheng Shanghai  Office

Corporate Investigation/Anti-corruption


YongruiRaymondZhu  Dacheng Beijing Head Office

Dispute Resolution: Arbitration


Zhiqiang (John) Zou  Dacheng Shanghai Office

Dispute Resolution:Litigation


Nancy (Qingnan) Sun Dacheng Shanghai Office

Energy & Natrual Resources


Lei Sun Dacheng Beijing Head Office

International Trade/WTO: Respondant


Other Rankings

Shoushuang Li  Dacheng Beijing Head Office

Capital Markets: Debt & Equity


Fei Liu Dacheng Beijing Head Office

Capital Markets: Securitisation & Derivatives


Feng Qu Dacheng Shanghai Office

Capital Markets: Securitisation & Derivatives


Lihong Wang Dacheng Beijing Head Office

Capital Markets: Securitisation & Derivatives


Qing Guo  Dacheng Beijing Head Office

Capital Markets: Securitisation & Derivatives


Chengzhi)Yu Dacheng Shanghai Office



Jiamao Cheng Dacheng Shanghai Office



Jiangtao Ma  Dacheng Beijing Head Office

Dispute Resolution: Litigation


Yingying Li  Dacheng Shanghai Office

Dispute Resolution: Litigation


Guanshang Yang  Dacheng Beijing Head Office

Projects & Infrastructure


Wangshang Lu  Dacheng Guangzhou Office

Capital Markets: Debt & Equity


Xingcheng Fan  Dacheng Shanghai Office

Capital Markets: Debt & Equity


Zhiqiang (John) Zou Dacheng Shanghai Office

Dispute Resolution: Arbitration

Huixiao Han Dacheng Shanghai Office

Dispute Resolution: Litigation


Up and Coming

Yuhua He  Dacheng Beijing Head Office

Capital Markets: Securitisation & Derivatives


Weiwei Zhang  Dacheng Guangzhou Office

Corporate Investigation/Anti-corruption


Qinghua Lu  Dacheng Guangzhou Office

Projects & Infrastructure

Chambers and Partners is a world's leading legal research and analysis organization, headquartered in London, UK. Chambers recognizes the top law firms and legal professionals in their fields around the world and publishes legal guides that are regarded as industry benchmarks and a key reference for international clients seeking high-end legal services.


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