Privacy & Disclaimers

Dacheng is committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy will describe how we collect, use, share, store and process personal data about you. This Privacy Policy also describes your personal information and your proprietary rights to personal information.

This Privacy Policy was last updated on 2023/12/31.

1. Data holder

We are Dacheng Law Offices. Established in 1992, Beijing Dacheng Law Offices is one of the earliest and largest partnership law firms in China. The wordings including "Dacheng", "Dacheng Law Offices" and "the law firm" refer to one or more of our law firms. Any reference to "Partner" means a partner or member of Dacheng, or advisor or employee of equivalent status and qualification as such partner; Any reference to any "office" or "branch office" of Dacheng means the branch offices established by Dacheng in accordance with law, and each branch office has independent legal status.

2. Collection and use of personal information

We will collect the following personal information:

Contact information: Your name, position, name of your place of work, telephone (including mobile phone number, work phone number, etc.), email address and mailing address;

Business information: Data that identifies you in connection with what you instruct us to do or in connection with business with which you are involved, which may include your name, photograph and gender;

Financial information: Information such as your account name, account number, opening bank, and time of payment, currency, etc., of your or the bank authorized by you;

Public Sources Information: For example, personal information that you upload to public websites, professional networks, or internet publications;

Visit Records: Record your visits on Dacheng websites for security purpose;

Subscriptions/Preferences: When you subscribe to receive legal briefings, updates or newsletters and you opt in to agree to a preference to help us determine what material you may be interested in receiving;

Conference or event data: Information you provide to us when you attend our events and provide feedback forms relating to our events;

Supplier data: Information relating to you or to the company or organization which provides services to Dacheng, such as contact information;

Social Media: posts, likes, weibo and other information regarding your Social Media interactions with us;

Technical Information: Information that we collect when you visit the Site, such as IP address, type of browser, operating system you use, type of device and online data when you use the Technical Service;

Recruitment information: When you complete the recruitment application form on our website or submit your resume to the recruitment contact email, we collect your basic information including: name, photo, phone number and email address; education experience information including: name of school, degree level, major, start and end dates; curriculum vitae including: name of employer, job title, start and end dates, internship experience, awards received, language ability and other personal information included in your resume unsolicited by you to us.

3. Your communication with us

Dacheng may also collect information that you choose to provide in your communications with us. Please do not send us confidential information until we accept in writing that we will act for you or your company or organization or until you have signed a confidentiality agreement with us. E-mails from persons other than our clients, which are not sent on our request, will not establish an attorney-client relationship between the sender and our attorneys. You are not privileged to require us to keep such information confidential and we may disclose it to other parties.

4. How we use your personal data and our purposes for using

We will use your personal data for the following purposes:

Providing our services: to assist us in providing legal services to you;

Business Relationships: to manage our relationship with you, your company or organization, including keeping records of business contacts, services and payments, so that we may customize our services to you, develop relationships and target our marketing initiatives for you;

· Communicating: to keep you informed of legal developments, market conditions and our services through email, newsletters and other news releases;

Information on conferences and events: to conduct legal briefings, round tables and other events;

Customer investigation and feedback: including responding to incidents and listening to customer questions, and responding to questions and concerns that may arise;

Customer legal compliance: customer due diligence (in compliance with anti-money laundering and other crime laws and regulatory requirements) may involve automated screening checks to ensure the authenticity of clients and contacts and to prevent fraud or crime. If you do not provide us with the information required to make these checks, we may not be able to accept any matter you instruct us to deal with;

Website monitoring: checking that the website and our other technical services are being properly used and optimized for their functionality;

Site security: providing security of our offices and other premises (usually by collecting your name and contact details upon entering our premises);

Online security: protecting our information assets and technical platforms from unauthorised access or use, and monitoring malware and other security threats;

Regulatory and compliance requirements: complying with our legal and regulatory obligations as a law firm, including audit and reporting requirements;

Recruiting: the recruitment of a staff or intern for us, etc.

We process your personal information for a number of reasons:

You have given us consent that, for example, you may share with us your personal information for specific purposes;

This is necessary to comply with legal or regulatory obligations: such as anti-money laundering, mandatory customer screening or disclosure to law enforcement authorities.

It is necessary to deal with complaints and litigation;

It is necessary in our, or third parties', legitimate business interests: The premise is that this will not infringe any interests or rights you have as an individual.

5. Exemptions from consent collection and use of personal information in accordance with the law:

It is necessary for entering into or performing a contract to which you are a party;

It is necessary for us to perform our statutory duties or obligations;

It is necessary to cope with a public health emergency or in the case of an emergency, in order to protect the life, health and property of natural persons;

In order to carry out news coverage and public opinion supervision activities for the public interest, collect and use your personal information within reasonable rage;

Collect and use your self-disclosed personal information or other personal information which has already legally disclosed within reasonable rage according to the provisions of the laws and regulations;

Other circumstances provided for by the laws and administrative regulations.

6. Our lawful rights and interests

We have legitimate business interests in:

Providing legal services;

Managing our business and relationships with you or your company or organization;

Understanding and responding to enquiries and client feedback;

· Understanding how our customers use our service and websites;

Identifying what our customer need and developing our relationship with you, your company or organization;

Improving our services;

· Receiving information from legal services provided to the same clients in other offices of Dacheng;

Enforcing our business and website terms and other terms and conditions;

Ensuring the security of our systems and premises;

Managing our supply chain;

Developing relationships with business partners;

Ensuring the debts are paid;

Implementing inhibitors to exclude you from the direct marketing if you cancel your subscription;

Sharing data related to the acquisitions and transfers of our business.

7. With whom do we share your data with?

We share your information with other persons as follows:

The internal members of Dacheng: including its management officers, lawyers and staff, for the purpose of providing the legal services required;

Suppliers: persons supporting our business, including IT and communications suppliers, outsourcing business support, marketing and advertising agencies, document management service providers, and LPO operations. Our suppliers will meet the minimum standards of information security and will only be provided with data appropriate to their functions;

Other law firms and legal practitioners: including other law firms, lawyers, expert witnesses, arbitrators and mediators to the extent necessary to perform legal services;

Law enforcement authorities and our regulatory authorities: as required by laws and regulations or mandatory requirements of judicial authorities and government regulatory authorities;

Parties in the event of an emergency: in particular, to protect the health and safety of our clients, our employees and our organization;

Your company or organization: the company or organization in relation to which we provide legal services;

Professional Services Providers: miscellaneous professionals, including lawyers, accountants, tax advisors and translators;

Advertising networks and analytics service providers: in connection with usage and service support on our website, applications and other social media tools;

Third parties: in the event of an acquisition or transfer of any part of our business or a re-organisation of the business;

Other authorizations: if you inform and agree about the event you intend to attend, your personal data will appear in the scenario relating to the event.

8. Personal data about others

On certain occasions, you may provide to us personal data about other persons (for example, your clients, directors, officers, shareholders or beneficial owners). You must ensure that you have given such persons appropriate notice that you are providing them with information to us and that you have obtained their consent to disclosure.

9. Where will your information be kept?

We are a mainland China law firm, and in other scenarios as described in this Privacy Policy, the personal data we collect about you will be stored within the mainland China and will not be transferred overseas. If in the future it is necessary for our business to transfer your personal data offshore, we will do so in accordance with the laws and regulations involved, for example, obtaining valid consent from you, entering into agreements with recipients, and conducting cross-border security assessments.

10. How long do we retain your personal information?

We typically retain information about you in order to provide the legal services that we describe, so the length of information we retain depends on a number of factors, such as whether you or your company or organization are an existing client, or have interacted with recent client emails or announcements, or attended recent meetings. The information will be retained for such minimum period of time as is necessary to achieve the purposes described in this Privacy Policy and as required by law or regulation, unless we have agreement otherwise from you.

11. How do we protect your personal information?

We will endeavour to retain your information as securely as possible, including through physical and technical means and administrative safeguards. However, we wish to clarify that transmissions of information via the internet may not be completely secure. While we will take reasonable and practical steps to safeguard your personal information, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your information, and transmissions via the internet will be at your own risk. In the event of a security incident such as a disclosure of personal information, we will take urgent steps to minimise the impact on you.

12. Your rights

You have rights in relation to your information. These rights and the ways in which you may use them are set out in more detail below:

Access and Copying: you have the right to inquire as to whether we are processing your personal information and, if we are processing your personal information, to request access to your personal information, and to take copies of the relevant personal information that we hold about you and to obtain copies of certain other information;

Correction: you have the right to request the correction of any incomplete or inaccurate personal information that we hold about you;

Deletion: where required by law or regulation, you have the right to request us to delete or remove personal information in certain circumstances. In certain exceptional circumstances, we may refuse a deletion request, for example, if the retention periods required by the law or regulation have not yet expired or if it is technically impossible to do so;

Restriction: you have the right to request us to suspend processing of certain personal information about you, but this may have some effects on certain services we provide that require the use of personal information;

Transfer: you have the right to request our assistance in transferring your personal information to other platforms, companies or organizations; we will review your request in accordance with the rules set out by cyberspace administration, and upon approval we will assist you with the transfer; 

Objection: you also have the right to object to our processing of your personal information for direct marketing purposes;

Automated Decisions: if any automated decision that is relevant to you would have legal or similar material implications, you may object and request us to reconsider and reassess;

Responding to requests: we will normally respond to a request within 10 workingdays of receiving it. You will be required to provide a written request or otherwise establish your identity. We will ask you to verify your identity before we process your request.

Consent: if we process personal data with your consent, you may withdraw your consent.

If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact one of the data privacy contacts specified at the bottom of this Policy in writing at the applicable email address.

13. Protection of minors

Our end customers and the recipients of legal services may be minors. We will not knowingly collect personal information from minors. We require the consent and authorization of the minor's legal guardian and the personal information to be provided by or in the company of a legal guardian. If you are a minor, you may not disclose any personal information to us without the consent of or the company of a legal guardian.

14. Links to third party Website

Our website, newsletters, email updates and other communications may from time to time contain links to other websites, plug-ins and applications. Please note that by clicking on such third party links, you may permit accessing and sharing personal information with third parties. However, the personal information you provide through such websites is not subject to this Privacy Policy, and the processing of your personal information by such websites is not our responsibility.

15. Updates to privacy policy 

We may revise and update our Privacy Policy from time to time as required by our business, law or otherwise. If we change any material aspects of this Policy (for example, the information we collect, how we use it, or why we use the information), we will prominently display these changes on the pages of our Privacy Policy and provide a link to that notice within a reasonable time after changing it.

16. How to contact us 

If you would like further information about how we manage the personal data that we hold about you, please contact us

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