Jason Sun Senior Partner
  • Cross-Border Investment and Trade
  • Compliance and Risk Management
  • Dispute Resolution
  • Government Policies and State-owned Assets Supervision


Mr. Jason SUN is a Senior Partner of Beijing Dacheng Law Offices, LLP, Ph.D. Student of Law School of Tsinghua University, who also serves as Expert of ICC International Trade and State Aid Working Group, Deputy Director of WTO and Anti-dumping Specialties in Beijing Lawyers Association, the MOFCOM’s Legal Counsel advising trade remedy matters, Legal Expert of China Going Global Thinktank, Thinktank Expert of Import and Export Compliance Committee and Member of Expert Database of Wuxi International Commercial Dispute Settlement and Intellectual Property Service Center.

Mr. Sun ever served in Beijing WTO Centre as Assistant Director, responsible for analysing Uruguay Round legal documents. Since 2008, he focuses his practice on international trade law, counsels Chinese clients on trade remedy investigation against China, and he is one of the most experienced lawyers representing the government of China in CVD investigations against China.

Mr. Sun has accumulated rich experiences and outstanding achievements in the field of trade remedy and other foreign-related legal areas.

I.Trade Remedy Area

Mr. Sun experienced in dealing with the investigation initiated by U.S.. He ever represented the clients or Government of PRC in responding the anti-dumping and countervailing investigation with regard to Magnesia Carbon Bricks, Drill Pipe, Galvanized Steel Wire, Multilayer Wood Flooring (the first case attaining double zero tax rate in AD and CVD investigations against China initiated by US), Steel Wire Hanger, Plywood, Steel Nail, Bedroom Furniture, Diamond Saw Blade, Pre-stressed Steel Wire, Solar Cell, Monosodium Glutamate, Steel Wire Rod, and Tire products, etc.

The cases he represented covers all procedures of the US trade remedy investigation, including initial investigation, annual review, new shipper, industry injury, sunset review, changed circumstance, anti-circumvention, scope ruling, and CIT and CAFC proceedings.

Meanwhile, Mr. Sun also focused and good at dealing with the other countries’ investigation. Mr. SUN has represented Government of PRC and enterprise in participating in the anti-dumping, countervailing, safeguard measures and special safeguard measures initiated by Australia, Canada, the European Union, India, Thailand, Indonesia and other countries against China.

In addition, Mr. Sun also represented foreign companies, General Motors, Nippon Steel Corporation, Yamazaki Mazak Co., Ltd., etc. to participate in China's trade remedy investigations against the United States and Japan;

II.Anti-monopoly legal Affairs

Mr. Sun has represented the clients located in the United States, Germany and other companies in filing anti-monopoly declarations for domestic mergers and acquisitions with the Ministry of Commerce of China. When ZTE and an overseas company filed lawsuits in multiple countries at the same time, Mr. Sun represented ZTE and applied to the National Development and Reform Commission to launch the anti-monopoly investigation against this company and filed two anti-monopoly lawsuits against this company in Chinese courts on behalf of ZTE.

III.Compliance area

Mr. Sun was entrusted by Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce(“SMCC”), together with SMCC, to provide enterprises with trade remedy investigation compliance self-inspection platform services.

IV.Investment area

Mr. Sun has provided legal advice for foreign companies from Japan, the United States, Vietnam, Dubai, etc. to invest in China.


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