Shanxi Coking Coal Group Granted NAFMII Approval for Issuing MTNs and Short-term Financing Bills Under the Guidance of Dacheng

Posting Date: 2014.03.27

Shanxi Coking Coal Group Co., Ltd., under the guidance of Dacheng attorneys from the Taiyuan office, was recently granted approval for its issuance of medium term notes (“MTNs”) and short-term financing bills from National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors (“NAFMII”).

Shanxi Coking Coal Group Co., Ltd. is a large conglomerate whose core business lies in coal mining and processing but also branching out to a wide range of business, such as pit construction, coal mine machinery manufacturing, electromechanical equipment maintenance and manufacturing, power generation and supply, chemical engineering, construction and installation, building materials production, transportation, import-export trade and tertiary industry business. Its coking coal and coke products are sold to more than 20 cities and provinces in China and exported to Japan, South Korea, Brazil, Germany, India and Taiwan; its electromechanical products are working in major coal mining enterprises and small- and medium-sized coal mines in China; and giant-size diggers and smelting equipment are distributed to Romania, the Philippines, Russia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Malaysia, Thailand and Hong Kong. The enterprise is also granted import and export operation rights of coke and electromechanical equipment.


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