Dacheng Advises Guangdong Technology Finance Group on the Formation of a Financial Lease Company

Posting Date: 2014.03.27

On March 13 2014, Guangdong Technology Financial Lease Co., Ltd. was officially launched. With RMB620mln registered capital, the newly created company is a typical mixed-ownership entity funded by Guangdong Technology Finance Group, China Investments Holdings Limited (stock code: 00132), which is listed at HKEx, domestically listed Guangdong Qunxing Toys Joint-Stock Co., Ltd. (stock code: 002575) and Zhongnan Centenio Group, an established private business. Attorneys Zhang Zhike and Zhao Ya from Dacheng’s Guangzhou office and a Beijing-based team led by attorney Kuang Shuangli advised Guangdong Technology Finance Group on the formation of the financial lease company. The Guangzhou office would also act as its standing outside counsel in the future.

Guangdong Technology Financial Lease Co., Ltd. is another financial service platform created by Guangdong Technology Finance Group, following the establishment of Guangdong Technology Microcredit Co., Ltd., Guangdong Technology Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Technology Financial Industry Park.

Guangdong Technology Finance Group is a wholly state-owned enterprise under the administration of the provincial government of Guangdong. It is a driving force for integrated development of technology, finance and industry in Guangdong. The new-born financial lease company, located in the heartland of the Pearl River Delta and equipped with strong experience and expertise in industrial development, asset management and international cooperation, is probing into the financial lease market in areas such as energy saving and emissions reduction, medical devices, machinery and equipment, infrastructure, urban information system, technical innovation and upgrading of technology companies. It aims to expand financing channels for Guangdong-based businesses, push forward industrial transformation and upgrading and enhance their overall competitiveness.


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