Unveiling Ceremony of Dacheng's Membership in the Beijing Association for Alternative Dispute Resolution Successfully Held

Posting Date: 2024.01.24

On January 24, 2024, the Unveiling Ceremony of Dacheng's Membership in the Beijing Association for Alternative Dispute Resolution (BJADR) was successfully held at Dacheng Beijing. BJADR President Zhai Jingmin led a delegation to attend the ceremony at Dacheng. Director Zhang Zheng and Deputy Director Ping Yunwang of BJADR-Beijing Dacheng Litigation Source Governance Workstation (Beijing Dacheng Dispute Mediation Center), Director Qin Yonghui and Deputy Directors Yang Shuwen and Chang Qing of Beijing Dacheng Real Estate and Construction Engineering Dispute Mediation Center, Director Duan Xiaobo and Deputy Directors Liu Tao and Chen Lingling of Beijing Dacheng Financial Dispute Mediation Center, as well as Deputy Directors Li Xiang and Hu Hong of Beijing Dacheng Intellectual Property Dispute Mediation Center, were present at the ceremony.

The unveiling ceremony was presided over by Chang Qing, Secretary-General of the BJADR-Beijing Dacheng Litigation Source Governance Workstation (Beijing Dacheng Dispute Mediation Center), and Deputy Director of Beijing Dacheng Real Estate and Construction Engineering Dispute Mediation Center.

To thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important directives on prioritizing non-litigation dispute resolution mechanisms and litigation source governance, and to embrace the philosophy of addressing issues at their source and preventing problems before they arise, Dacheng has applied for membership in the multi-dispute resolution mechanism platform established by the BJADR, with the aim to fully leverage the foundational role of mediation in preventing and resolving disputes. Given Dacheng's diverse professional strengths, BJADR has granted Dacheng the establishment of three centers: Beijing Dacheng Real Estate and Construction Engineering Dispute Mediation Center, Beijing Dacheng Financial Dispute Mediation Center, and Beijing Dacheng Intellectual Property Dispute Mediation Center. Furthermore, a Litigation Source Governance Workstation, branded by BJADR, has been established within Dacheng to serve as the primary hub for case coordination and processing.

Entrusted by Lawyer Yuan Huazhi, the Chairman of the Board of Dacheng China, Lawyer Ping Yunwang, Director of the Board of Dacheng China and Vice Chairman of the Consultant Committee of Dacheng China, on behalf of Dacheng's management, warmly welcomed the arrival of BJADR President Zhai Jingmin and his delegation. In his address, Ping Yunwang emphasized that professionalism is Dacheng's core competitive advantage, contributing significantly to its remarkable achievements over the years. The establishment of the Litigation Source Governance Workstation and three centers by BJADR at Dacheng demonstrates a high level of recognition for Dacheng's professionalism. Dacheng will uphold the responsibility that comes with this recognition and effectively implement litigation source governance.

Following this, Mr. Zhai Jingmin delivered a speech outlining the development status and service philosophy of BJADR, while also offering insights into the prospects of commercial mediation in the current era. He noted that for Dacheng, an influential international law firm in the industry, setting up the Litigation Source Governance Workstation was a leading initiative within the sector. Establishing a credible litigation source governance platform aligns with the mutual goals and visions of both parties and represents a shared responsibility. He expressed hope that this collaboration would serve as an opportunity for both parties to pragmatically implement the initiatives of prioritizing non-litigation dispute resolution mechanisms and litigation source governance, jointly advance the development of commercial mediation, enhance the efficiency of commercial dispute resolution, and contribute to the establishment of an effective alternative dispute resolution mechanism.

BJADR President Zhai Jingmin, along with Director Zhang Zheng and Deputy Director Ping Yunwang of the BJADR-Beijing Dacheng Litigation Source Governance Workstation (Beijing Dacheng Dispute Mediation Center) unveiled the plaque for the workstation.

In his address, Zhang Zheng, a member of the CPC Committee of Dacheng, Vice Chairman of the Consultant Committee of Dacheng China, and Director of the BJADR-Beijing Dacheng Litigation Source Governance Workstation (Beijing Dacheng Dispute Mediation Center), noted that BJADR has actively explored the field of commercial mediation in China. He emphasized that Dacheng's inclusion not only provides valuable opportunities for Dacheng lawyers but also brings new vitality to the training of mediation professionals and the advancement of mediation practices. He emphasized the active recruitment of more young lawyers, believing that the combination of professional competence and practical experience will enable Dacheng and BJADR to make significant contributions to the development of litigation source governance through their future collaboration.

Mr. Zhai Jingmin, along with Director Qin Yonghui and Deputy Director Yang Shuwen of Beijing Dacheng Real Estate and Construction Dispute Mediation Center unveiled the plaque for the center.

Mr. Qin Yonghui provided a detailed overview of Dacheng's real estate and construction engineering practice areas. He emphasized the active recruitment of professional individuals and teams to join the mediation center, highlighting the crucial role of professional lawyers in mediation to offer more efficient and specialized mediation services to the parties involved. Additionally, Dacheng will be committed to contributing to law-based governance, serving public welfare causes, and promoting the development of dispute mediation services.

Mr. Zhai Jingmin, along with Director Duan Xiaobo and Deputy Directors Liu Tao and Chen Lingling of Beijing Dacheng Financial Dispute Mediation Center unveiled the plaque for the center.

Mr. Duan Xiaobo provided a detailed overview of Dacheng's professional capabilities and experience in the banking and finance sector during his address. He stated that to effectively meet the mediation needs in banking and finance disputes, a highly efficient and professional mediation team will be swiftly established. By leveraging the platforms of Dacheng's Banking & Finance Practice Group and Banking & Finance Sector Group, efforts will be made to promote and publicize mediation within Dacheng, aiming to increase the proportion of banking and finance cases resolved through mediation and actively contribute to the healthy development of litigation source governance.

Mr. Zhai Jingmin, along with Deputy Directors Li Xiang and Hu Hong of Beijing Dacheng Intellectual Property Dispute Mediation Center, unveiled the plaque for the center.

Mr. Li Xiang shared insights on the development of Dacheng's intellectual property business in his speech. He indicated that the establishment of the Beijing Dacheng Intellectual Property Dispute Mediation Center not only offers Dacheng lawyers the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of client needs and industry development but also demonstrates Dacheng's proactive commitment to fulfilling its social responsibility. He expressed that Dacheng will work cohesively and strive to meet expectations, contributing to the field of intellectual property mediation.

After the unveiling ceremony, the guests took a group photo to commemorate the occasion.

In the future, Dacheng will collaborate with BJADR under the guidance of Beijing's courts and the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Justice to effectively manage the mediation work for each case. This effort aims to make a positive contribution to optimizing the business environment in the capital and advancing the continuous improvement of China's alternative dispute resolution mechanism.

The BJADR is the first provincial-level self-regulatory organization in China that provides service guarantees for sector and practice mediation organizations. Under the guidance of the Commission for Political and Legal Affairs of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee, the Capital Comprehensive Management Office, and the Beijing High People's Court, it was voluntarily initiated by mediation organizations in Beijing, retired senior judges, experienced professional lawyers, as well as experts, scholars, and mediators with legal backgrounds. It is a non-profit social organization registered and approved by the Beijing Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau. The BJADR aims to implement policies from the CPC Central Committee, the Supreme People's Court, and the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee to strengthen alternative mediation. It seeks to consolidate resources from sector and practice mediation organizations in Beijing, promote overall planning and self-regulation within these organizations, and enhance the professionalism, standardization, and authority of mediation, meeting the alternative dispute resolution needs of the public and creating an alternative mediation model that reflects the characteristics of the current era and the uniqueness of the capital.


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