Dacheng Lawyers Attend Provincial-level Two Sessions to Fulfill Duties and Participate in Deliberation and Administration of State Affairs

Posting Date: 2024.02.07

In the context of the comprehensive advancement of law-based governance in the new era, Dacheng lawyers proactively fulfill their responsibilities as deputies to provincial-level people's congresses and provincial-level CPPCC members across various regions. Utilizing their professional expertise, they have presented many insightful and well-researched suggestions and proposals. By engaging deeply with grassroots communities and concentrating on the rule of law and social issues, they actively participate in the complete process of people's democracy. Driven by a strong sense of political responsibility and mission, they provide valuable insights into social development and make significant contributions to the advancement of the rule of law.

Chen Feng

Deputy to the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress

On December 20, 2022, the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress announced the deputy list for the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress. Lawyer Chen Feng, senior partner and secretary of the CPC Committee of Dacheng Shanghai, was reelected as a deputy to the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress.

During his tenure as a deputy to the 15th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress, Chen Feng was honored with the title of "Deputy of Active Duty Performance". He spearheaded the proposal for the "Regulations on the Development of Green Finance in Shanghai" and contributed to the proposal for conducting law enforcement inspections on the implementation of the "Regulations on Safety Production in Shanghai" by the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress. Both initiatives were recognized as "excellent case examples".

During the second session of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress, Chen Feng put forth multiple proposals, including "Deepening the Implementation of the Vital Concept of 'People's City' in Pudong New Area to Comprehensively Advance Modern Urban Construction", "Formulating Relevant Policies to Promote the Development of Improved Housing Transactions", "Suggestions on Relaxing the Regulations on the Prohibition of Fireworks and Firecrackers in Shanghai", "Proposal for the Formulation of the 'Regulations on the Management of Elevator Installation in Existing Multi-Story Residential Buildings in Shanghai", "Suggestions on Building the Brand of Shanghai's Law Firms and Establishing a Domestically Leading and Internationally First-Class Legal Service Center", and "Suggestions on Further Promoting the Development of Green Agriculture and Technological Agriculture in Shanghai". As a Deputy to the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress with extensive legal experience, Chen Feng remains committed to his profound sense of mission and responsibility to the people. He steadfastly embodies the original aspirations of a people's lawyer, guided by the belief that "The people choose me as their representative, and I will be a representative for the people". By integrating his legal expertise with a deep commitment to public service, he actively fulfills his duties with dedication and responsibility, contributing to the establishment of a favorable legal environment through the insights of legal professionals.

Ma Guangli

Member of the CPPCC Hebei Provincial Committee

Ma Guangli, a graduate of the China University of Political Science and Law with a Bachelor of Laws degree, is a non-affiliate and a Senior Partner at Dacheng Shijiazhuang. He previously served in the legal department of the People's Government of Hebei Province. With thirty years of professional experience, Chen Feng is a first-class lawyer, a member of the 13th CPPCC Hebei Provincial Committee, and a legal advisor to the People's Government of Hebei Province, the Party School of Hebei Provincial Committee of C.P.C, the People's Procuratorate of Hebei Province, and other departments. Additionally, he is the deputy head of the Legal Team of the Xiong'an Service Group of the Hebei Provincial Department of Justice and a supervisor of the Hebei Lawyers Association's Board of Supervisors (director of the Performance Appraisal Committee). He has submitted proposals and suggestions to the CPPCC Hebei Provincial Committee addressing issues such as visitation challenges, the mental health of judges, and the developmental positioning of economic and technological development zones in Hebei Province.

Ji Min

Member of the CPPCC Anhui Provincial Committee

Ji Min, senior consultant at Dacheng Hefei and a member of the 13th CPPCC Anhui Provincial Committee, during her tenure, submitted several high-quality proposals including "Proposal to Increase Policy Support to Accelerate the Aggregation Development of the Legal Service Industry", "Suggestions on Further Advancing the Effective Implementation of Case Filing Registration System and Promoting the Optimization of the Provincial Business Environment", "Suggestions on Enhancing the Level of Online Case Filing Work in Anhui Courts", "Suggestions on Deepening the Implementation of the 'Case Filing Registration System' and Promoting the Construction of Diversified Dispute Resolution Mechanisms", and "Suggestions on Promoting Corporate Compliance Work in Anhui Province". These proposals received positive feedback and improvement suggestions from departments like the Anhui High People's Court, effectively accelerating the process of enhancement of judicial efficiency and optimization of the business environment.

Wu Feng

Member of the CPPCC Hubei Provincial Committee

Wu Feng, senior partner at Dacheng Wuhan, holds a Ph.D. in Law and a post-doctoral degree in Finance from Wuhan University. She is a member of the CPPCC Hubei Provincial Committee, deputy director of the Hubei Legal Committee of the China National Democratic Construction Association, a member of the Financial Committee of the All China Lawyers Association, a consulting expert on civil and administrative cases for the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and a member of the Hubei Provincial Judges and Procurators Selection Committees. As a member of the CPPCC Hubei Provincial Committee, Ms. Wu Feng focuses on creating a law-based business environment, the layout of the new energy industry, optimizing the parking environment in urban areas of Wuhan, and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of new employment groups. She proposed enhancing payment policies for the social insurance system and exploring a model where platforms and employed individuals bear the main responsibility, supplemented by government subsidies and commercial insurance. Furthermore, she proposed establishing mandatory rest periods for groups such as delivery men and ride-hailing drivers to prevent individuals from overworking excessively and monopolizing job opportunities, thus promoting the healthy development of the industry. She also suggested implementing a resource-sharing system to create a community of shared interests. In addition to government departments fulfilling their roles, she recommended establishing rest stations and offering free health check-ups to enhance the well-being of workers in emerging forms of employment.

Suo Yaxing

Member of the CPPCC Henan Provincial Committee

Suo Yaxing, a member of the CPPCC Henan Provincial Committee, is the director and senior partner at Dacheng Luoyang. He is a graduate of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law and Southwest University of Political Science & Law, with a postgraduate degree in Civil and Commercial Law. He serves as the director of the Civil Professional Committee of the Henan Lawyers Association, a council member of the China Commercial Law Research Association, a consulting expert on civil and administrative cases for the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and a member of the Civil Affairs Committee of the All China Lawyers Association. He also holds a part-time professorship at Luoyang Normal University. From January 25 to February 5, 2024, Suo Yaxing, as a member of the CPPCC Henan Provincial Committee, attended the second session of the 13th CPPCC Henan Provincial Committee. During this meeting, he submitted proposals advocating for the vigorous development of Henan's tertiary industry and was interviewed by a reporter from the Henan Daily. Following the meeting, he participated as a special invited member in the second session of the 14th CPPCC Luoyang Municipal Committee. In this capacity, he engaged in administration and discussion of political affairs alongside members from the fields of social sciences, agriculture, and industry.

Sun Changjiang

Member of the CPPCC Liaoning Provincial Committee

Sun Changjiang is the chairman of the Board of Directors at Dacheng Shenyang, president of the Shenyang Lawyers Association, and a nationally recognized outstanding lawyer. He is a member of the 13th CPPCC Liaoning Provincial Committee and a deputy to the 17th Shenyang Municipal People's Congress. Sun Changjiang pays special attention to the issue of telecom fraud, which is a significant challenge for today's society. Telecom fraud seriously threatens people's financial security and directly impacts social harmony and stability. Currently, Article 46 of the Anti-Telecom and Online Fraud Law of the People's Republic of China has not been effectively implemented, and there are still some issues regarding how to protect the civil rights of victims. In response to these issues, he conducted research and proposed "Suggestions for Prosecutorial Authorities on Protecting the Civil Rights of Victims in Cases Against Telecom Fraud Defendants" and "Suggestions for Courts on Safeguarding the Civil Rights of Victims When Adjudicating Cases Against Telecom Fraud Defendants", aiming to effectively combat criminal telecom fraud and comprehensively protect the legitimate rights of the general public. Additionally, concerning corporate compliance and risk prevention, he put forward "Suggestions on Promoting the Effective Implementation of Compliance Mechanisms for Enterprises Involved in Cases to Further Establish and Improve Corporate Risk Prevention Systems".

Zhang Wei

Deputy to the Liaoning Provincial People's Congress

Zhang Wei is a senior partner at Dacheng Shenyang, a deputy to the 12th, 13th, and 14th Liaoning Provincial People's Congresses, and a member of the Supervisory and Judicial Committee of the Liaoning Provincial People's Congress. As a deputy to the Liaoning Provincial People's Congress, Zhang Wei fulfills her duties diligently, actively provides suggestions, and offers constructive advice. Leveraging her expertise, at this year's Two Sessions, she proposed the "Proposal to Accelerate the Formulation of the 'Regulations on Road Traffic Safety in Liaoning Province'", as well as a series of recommendations including "Suggestions on Promoting the Industrialization of 'Land-Ocean Ecological Smart Fishery' in Liaoning", "Suggestions on Accelerating the Development of Flexible Employment Platforms in Liaoning Province", "Suggestions on Advancing the Establishment of the Clerk System to Improve Judicial Efficiency", "Suggestions on Prosecutors to Provide Evidentiary Outlines to Defense Attorneys Before Trials to Enhance Trial Efficiency", and "Suggestions on Establishing Bankruptcy Courts in Shenyang and Dalian". These initiatives have played a crucial role in promoting the diversified development of the economy in Liaoning Province, expanding avenues for residents' employment and income growth, enhancing the standard of the legal team, and refining the legal system in Liaoning Province.

Shen Yongming

Member of the CPPCC Jiangsu Provincial Committee

Shen Yongming, director of Dacheng Nanjing, currently serves as a member of the 13th CPPCC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, a member of the Standing Committee of the 9th Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Jiusan Society, chief supervisor of the Jiangsu Trustee in Bankruptcy Association, second honorary president of the Jiangsu New Social Stratum Association, and an external expert of the People's Procuratorate of Jiangsu Province, among other social positions.

Shen Yongming, as a long-serving member of the CPPCC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, has submitted over 30 suggestions, proposals, and public opinions on key and challenging issues such as modernizing social governance, legal development in Jiangsu, and safe Jiangsu. These efforts earned him recognition for outstanding proposals in 2020, 2021, and 2023. The General Office of Jiangsu Provincial People's Government adopted his "Suggestions on Expediting the Legislative Process for Constructing the Social Credit System in Jiangsu Province" and established a joint reward and punishment mechanism.

At the second session of the 13th CPPCC Jiangsu Provincial Committee held in Nanjing, Shen Yongming was honored with the title of "Outstanding Member of the CPPCC Jiangsu Provincial Committee in 2023". During the meeting, he proposed further encouragement and protection for lawyers providing pro bono legal services, suggesting measures to enhance lawyers' enthusiasm in participating in pro bono legal services to ensure the provision of public legal services. With great enthusiasm and a strong sense of responsibility, he focuses on the development of public legal services and the promotion of the rule of law. He has effectively fulfilled the crucial role of lawyers in social governance.

Wang Zhe

Deputy to the Jilin Provincial People's Congress

Wang Zhe, director, board member, and senior partner of Dacheng Changchun, first-class lawyer, doctor of law, vice chairman of the Consultant Committee of Dacheng China, deputy to the 13th and 14th Jilin Provincial People's Congresses, executive director of the All China Lawyers Association, honorary president of the Jilin Lawyers Association, deputy to the 10th Jilin Provincial Party Congress, special supervisor for the Jilin High People's Court, member of the Judge Selection Committee of the Jilin High People's Court, member of the Prosecutor Selection Committee for the People's Procuratorate of Jilin Province, and member of the Legal Experts Pool for the CPC Jilin Provincial Committee.

He has been recognized as a National Model Worker in the Judicial Administration System, a National Outstanding Lawyer, a National Advanced Individual in Legal Aid Work, an Outstanding CPC Member in the Lawyer Industry at the national level, and a Candidate for the National Most Beautiful Lawyer. Additionally, he has received awards as an Excellent Legal Advisor from the Jilin Provincial People's Government, an Outstanding Party Worker in Jilin Province, the 'Second-class Personal Merit' award in the Jilin Provincial Judicial Administration System, an Outstanding Lawyer in Jilin Province, and an Outstanding CPC Member in the Lawyer Industry in Jilin Province.

Liang Lijun

Member of the CPPCC Shanxi Provincial Committee

Liang Lijun, a non-affiliate, is a senior partner and director of the Supervision Committee at Dacheng Taiyuan. She serves as the vice president of the Shanxi Friendship Association for Non–Party Intellectuals, an arbitrator at the Taiyuan Arbitration Commission of China, and was elected as a member of the CPPCC Shanxi Provincial Committee in January 2023, representing the Women's Federation. She participated in the first and second sessions of the 13th CPPCC Shanxi Provincial Committee. During the CPPCC sessions, Liang Lijun leveraged her expertise and practical experience to engage deeply in discussions and provide suggestions on significant decisions and initiatives of the CPC Shanxi Provincial Committee and the People's Government of Shanxi Province. Her focus included judicial matters, livelihood issues, and other social concerns. She actively contributed by submitting over 20 high-quality proposals on topics such as judicial development, addressing visitation difficulties, implementing reduction measures, ensuring people's livelihoods, and supporting the transformation and development of private enterprises, wholeheartedly dedicating herself to her role as a CPPCC member.

Li Xuyan

Deputy to the Henan Provincial People's Congress

From January 26 to 31, 2024, Li Xuyan, the Party secretary and honorary director of Dacheng Zhengzhou, attended the second session of the 14th Henan Provincial People's Congress as a deputy. During this meeting, she fulfilled her duties diligently, conscientiously reviewed the work reports of the People's Government of Henan Province, Henan Provincial People's Congress, Henan High People's Court, and People's Procuratorate of Henan Province, and delivered high-quality speeches during the delegation meetings and group discussions. Focused on improving the business environment in Henan Province, Li Xuyan proposed "Suggestions on Regulating Henan Province's Investment Attraction Work". During the review of the work report of the Henan High People's Court, she emphasized the need to facilitate communication between lawyers and judges, enhance the efficiency of case handling, and improve the litigation service experience for parties and their legal representatives. Furthermore, she urged the courts to prioritize mediation during proceedings to substantially resolve conflicts and disputes, thereby strengthening judicial credibility and public satisfaction. Centered on the high-quality economic and social development of Henan Province and its modernization, she presented several proposals, including "Suggestions on Achieving 'Global Selling of Henan Cars' through Digital Trade", "Suggestions on Accelerating the Implementation of the 72/144-Hour Visa-Free Transit Policy in Henan Province", "Suggestions on Removing High Consumption Restrictions on Related Persons of Bankrupt Enterprises", and "Suggestions on Introducing Corresponding Policies to Curb the Continuous Decline in Birth Rates in Henan Province". These proposals were formulated by Li Xuyan based on thorough research and the collective professional wisdom of several lawyers at the Dacheng Zhengzhou. Recognized for her diligent performance and remarkable achievements, she was awarded the honorary titles of "Outstanding Deputy to the Henan Provincial People's Congress" and "Advanced Individual in Performance among Deputies of the 13th Henan Provincial People's Congress" by the Standing Committee of the Henan Provincial People's Congress.

Liu Ning

Member of the CPPCC Sichuan Provincial Committee

Liu Ning, a doctor of law, serves as a senior consultant at Dacheng Chengdu, where she is also the co-head of the Bankruptcy Group and the Bankruptcy, Restructuring, and Insolvency Practice Group. Currently, she is a member of the 13th CPPCC Sichuan Provincial Committee, the deputy director of the Committee on Agricultural and Rural Affairs of the CPPCC Sichuan Provincial Committee, and a legislative consulting expert for the Committee on Social and Legal Affairs of the CPPCC Sichuan Provincial Committee. As a CPPCC member, Liu Ning actively participates in the deliberation and administration of state affairs. She delivered a keynote speech titled "Improving Market Exit Mechanisms to Optimize the Business Environment in Sichuan Province" at the plenary session of the CPPCC Sichuan Provincial Committee, which garnered significant social impact. During her tenure, she put forth dozens of proposals and public opinions, focusing on areas such as the business environment, bankruptcy proceedings, and the judicial system. Among these, proposals such as establishing a provincial trustee in bankruptcy association, promoting legal and tax cooperation at the provincial level, initiating bankruptcy judicial cooperation within the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle, and implementing the "Bao Jiao Lou" initiative (ensuring buildings are delivered as promised, with guaranteed quality and quantity) were adopted by relevant departments. Additionally, some of these proposals were honored with the Excellent Proposal Award. The "Suggestions on the Inclusion of Enterprise Bankruptcy Information in the 'National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System'" was adopted by the CPPCC National Committee, facilitating the disclosure and transparency of bankruptcy information. Besides, she participated in the deliberation of local legislation and put forward over a hundred legislative proposals, with the majority being accepted by legislative bodies. For her professional performance, Liu Ning was interviewed by a special edition of The CPPCC News and praised as "Bankruptcy Liu" and "Professional Model". For her outstanding performance, she was recognized as an Outstanding Member of the CPPCC Sichuan Provincial Committee.

With unwavering determination and a bold stride toward the future, Dacheng Law Offices will uphold the spirit of professionalism, embarking on the path of promotion of the rule of law with a high sense of responsibility and mission. We will leverage expertise, provide insightful perspectives, accurately reflect public demands, and actively fulfill the duties of participation in administration and discussion of political affairs as deputies and members. By consistently enhancing our professional skills and elevating our service standards, we are dedicated to becoming reputable lawyers who meet the expectations of both the Party and the public, as well as responsible deputies who fulfill the duties, significantly contributing to the prosperity and stability of society.


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