Seminar on Key Scenarios and Practical Hotspots of Current Family (Enterprise) Wealth Management — — Building a Strong Ecology of Changchun Wealth Management

Posting Date: 2023.11.16

On November 10th, Beijing Dacheng Law Office (Changchun), Dacheng Family Office Industry Group and Dacheng Family Office (Changchun) Center successfully jointly held a seminar on Key Scenarios and Practical Hotspots of Current Family (Enterprise) Wealth Management — — Building a Strong Ecology of Changchun Wealth Management.


Zhang Jun, Senior Partner and Head of Dacheng Family Office Industry Group, Zhang Xiaochu, Partner of Dacheng Guangzhou Office, Zhang Chao, Lawyer of Dacheng Changchun Office, gave keynote speeches at the seminar. Li Jiayin, Head of Private Banking Department of Bank of China Jilin Branch, Sui Jinling, President of Linhe Street Sub-branch of CITIC Bank, Lei Mo, Senior Consultant of Private Banking Center, Liu Qingfeng, General Manager of Individual Insurance and managers of group insurance, training, marketing and planning departments of Sun Xiaoyu, General Manager of Insurance Business Department of Taiping Pension Insurance Company, Pan Zengyun and other distinguished guests were invited for an interactive exchange.


Wang Zhe, Director of Dacheng Changchun Office, delivered a welcome speech on behalf of the organizer.


In the keynote speech segment, Lawyer Zhang Jun shared the "Key Scenarios and the Latest Practice of Wealth Management". Lawyer Zhang Jun raised the five basic scenarios of family wealth management, including bottom-line security, comprehensive compliance, value balance, sustainable development and system inheritance. Lawyer Zhang Jun further shared the corresponding trends and hotspots of wealth management.


Lawyer Zhang Chao shared the theme of "Multiple Scenarios of Share Trust and Case Deconstruction". Lawyer Zhang Chao combined with a number of domestic cases, carried out a professional analysis of multiple application scenarios and operational points of equity/stock family trusts of domestic non-listed enterprises and listed enterprises.


Lawyer Zhang Xiaochu combined his rich experience in Singapore's Global Business Investor Program (GIP), the latest policies of the Singapore family office project, the Hong Kong Capital Investor Entry Program and the Hong Kong family office policy. At the same time, Lawyer Zhang started from the practical demands of tax residents in high tax burden countries, and conducted in-depth explanation on US tax residency and FGT solutions, as well as Canadian tax residency and NRT solutions with cases.


In the round-table discussion, the guests exchanged and discussed the practical paths and trends of wealth management solutions, based on the current practical needs of wealth families and high net worth individuals and the practical experience of providing wealth management services.


New Era, New Practice, wealth management has entered the era of value management. Dacheng Family Office Industry Group is deeply concerned about the construction and integration of service ecology, matching family demand with ecological ability, enhancing family value with ecological value, hoping to empower the industry, and also expect to have the same ecological structure power as the future, and build a practical symbiosis platform with all the ecological participants.


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