Work with Sailing West in Future — — Successful Completion of "West Lawyer Seminar" (Phase V)

Posting Date: 2023.11.16

On the afternoon of November 10, 2023, the conclusion and conclusion of the Phase V of the Western Lawyers Training Program in the first quarter and the signing ceremony of the donation contract in the second quarter organized by the Beijing Legal Aid Foundation were held in Beijing. Ma Yan, Member of the Party Committee and Deputy Commissioner of Beijing Municipal Bureau of Justice attended the ceremony and delivered a speech. Wang Qingyou, Vice Chairman and Yan Guo, Deputy Secretary General of All China Lawyers Association, and Zhang Xuebing, Chairman of Beijing Legal Aid Foundation were also present at the ceremony. Relevant departments of Beijing Municipal Bureau of Justice, representatives of 12 well-known Beijing law firms, including King & Wood Mallesons, Dacheng & Wood Mallesons, Zhong Lun, Jun He, Jingtian & Gongcheng, Tian Yuan, Han Kun, Hao Tian, Guo Feng, JIN Cheng Tongda, East & Concord and An Li, and lawyer trainees participated in the Western Lawyers Training Program.


Dacheng Law Offices attached great importance to lawyers from western regions who came to participate in Dacheng's seminars, and set up a special working group. After the list of lawyers participating in Dacheng's seminars was finalized, Dacheng immediately contacted the lawyers involved in the seminars, and arranged specific seminar activities with a focus on the lawyers' different fields of expertise and different practice experience.


On the morning of October 16, five lawyers, namely Li Zilong (Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region), Gaji Yangzong (Lhasa, Tibet), Bai Zhicheng (Guangyuan, Sichuan), Gao Zhongsu (Liupanshui, Guizhou) and Zhang Wenwen (Jiuquan, Gansu), registered to Dacheng and started their seminar trip.


During the four-week training course, Dacheng arranges supervising lawyers for the lawyers based on their different areas of expertise, enabling the lawyers to fully participate in the team training and have an in-depth understanding of the operation mechanism and culture of Dacheng Teamwork


Meanwhile, Dacheng also arranged professional courses for the lawyers, including Mr. Zhang Zheng, Mr. Yu Xingquan, Mr. Wang Xuegang, Mr. Song, Mr. Ping Xu, Mr. Yang Guisheng, Mr. Tan Zhenghua, Ms. Yan Liping, Ms. Liu Haiping, Ms. Gao Meili, Ms. Han Youyi, Mr. Xu Yongqian, Mr. Lv Liangbiao, Mr. Hong Zhang, Ms. Han Jiayi, as well as partners Mr. Peng Liu and Mr. Du Jifeng. There are 18 classes (approximately 70 hours) in total. The professional courses cover many fields, such as criminal defense, bankruptcy and reorganization, M&A compliance, construction projects, investment risk management, commercial arbitration, cross-border enforcement of judgments and rulings, etc. To answer lawyers' questions on how to optimize the organizational structure of law firms, the management model of law firms, and the development direction of law firms, Mr. Dai Xin, deputy director of Dacheng Arrangement Management Committee, introduced to lawyers Dacheng's organizational structure and future development plan. The lectures On The lectures have Dacheng Training Program Of The Legal Profession Training Course And Mr. Of The Western Lawyers Professional Dacheng..


The Institute Of Beijing Law Center Dacheng Party During Training Mr. Dacheng specially invited Lawyers Dacheng Program In Dacheng Dacheng specially invited Dacheng specially Training Lawyers To Dacheng Dacheng Special Training Dacheng Dacheng.


The "Western Regions Lawyer Training Program" is a beneficial activity aimed at resolving the imbalance and insufficiency of lawyers and legal aids in the Eastern and Western Regions, and is of great significance to the cultivation of legal service talents and the promotion of the rule of law in the Western Regions. Meanwhile, The Institute Of Dacheng Lawyers Professional Dacheng Study Program Of Beijing's Leading Role In Lawyers And Legal Aid, Dacheng Lawyers Dacheng Study Program Of Being A Good Example Of Assuming Social Responsibility And Industry Responsibility.


Time passed quickly, and the Western Lawyers Study Program (Phase V) came to an end. While the Lawyers Professional Dacheng Study Program and Dacheng bid farewell, Dacheng sincerely hopes that the Lawyers Professional Dacheng Study Program will reflect on, realize, and make achievements in their respective fields, and strive to move forward and improve the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics.


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