The criminal compliance rectification program of Group A that Dacheng participated in was selected as one of the typical cases in the White Paper on Compliance Reform of Hunan Province

Posting Date: 2024.03.26

On March 21, 2024, the People's Procuratorate of Hunan Province held a press conference on the compliance reform of enterprises involved in cases and released the White Paper on Compliance of Enterprises Involved in Cases in Hunan Province and typical cases. Mr. Mao Ying, the director of Changsha Office of Dacheng, as an expert of the third-party supervision and evaluation mechanism for the compliance of enterprises involved in the case in Hunan Province, was invited to attend the meeting. The criminal compliance rectification project of "the case of collusion in bidding between 6 enterprises including Group A and 12 other persons (including Group A) and Mr. Huang and 11 other persons (including Mr. Huang)" as the leader of the expert panel organized by the third party was selected as a typical case in the White Paper.


Group A, as one of the world's top 500 centrally administered enterprises, has been elected and publicized by the Management Committee of the Third Party Supervision and Evaluation Mechanism of Hunan Province. From December 2021 to June 2022, lawyer Mao Ying, as the head of the team, led the work of the expert team, guiding, supervising, inspecting and accepting the special rectification work on bidding compliance carried out by Group A. In the drafting of compliance plan, compliance due diligence, establishment of compliance risk database, implementation of compliance plan, supervision of compliance rectification, and inspection and acceptance of effectiveness of compliance rectification, the expert team strictly carried out its work in accordance with the systems and regulations formulated and promulgated by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Hunan Province, and the Management Committee of the Third Party Mechanism of Hunan Province. Mr. Mao Ying conducted in-depth research on the legal issues existing in the compliance rectification, promoted the determination and implementation of the compliance rectification plan, formulated the acceptance standards and methods of compliance rectification, organized the expert group to guide the compliance rectification work of Group A in the whole process and developed the regulatory documents such as "Implementation Plan for the Construction of Special Compliance Management System for Tendering and Bidding", "Assessment Work Plan for the Effectiveness of the Special Compliance Management System for Tendering and Bidding", and "Assessment Criteria for the Special Compliance Management System for Tendering and Bidding". By organizing a third party, the effectiveness of the compliance work of Group A was comprehensively assessed from nine aspects, including internal accountability assessment, self-check and self-correction, high-level attention and commitment, compliance management department and personnel, compliance management system and mechanism, adequate protection of human and material resources, monitoring and reporting investigation and handling mechanism, compliance performance assessment mechanism, and continuous improvement mechanism. The Compliance Investigation Report drafted by the expert group led by Mr. Mao Ying was approved by the hearing organized by the People's Procuratorate and finally the People's Procuratorate made the decision not to prosecute. During the bidding compliance rectification work of group A, lawyer Mao Ying was serious and responsible. She put in lots of time and energy on the investigation and understanding of the facts of the case, carried out research on the complicated problems, comprehensively grasped the policy requirements of SASAC on the compliance system construction of state-owned enterprises as well as the corresponding regulations made by the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Third Party Mechanism Management Committee of Hunan Province, and led the third party organization in carrying out the supervision and evaluation work. As a result, she actively played the right role and achieved good results.


These achievements are achieved under the correct guidance and high trust of the Administration Committee of the Third Party Supervision and Evaluation Mechanism of Hunan Province. Dacheng Changsha Office will also continue to work hard without living up to trust, actively play the role of experts of the third-party mechanism in the compliance reform of the enterprises involved in the cases to be promoted by the judicial organs of Hunan Province with the cooperation of the public security, procuratorates and courts, and make more achievements! Congratulations to Ms. Mao Ying for her good achievement in the field of criminal compliance. My heartfelt congratulations to the four experts of Group A and heartfelt thanks to the support of Group A leaders and compliance staff. It is hoped that all parties will continue to make great efforts to Dacheng Changsha Cases.


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