Dacheng provides services for the development of compliance management system of Hubei Jiaotong Group

Posting Date: 2024.01.05

Recently, the Dacheng Compliance Project Team, consisting of lawyer teams from Dacheng Shanghai Office and Wuhan Office, has provided services for the development of compliance management system for Hubei Communications Investment Group, and has completed the development of the Compliance Manual.

Compliance management is the evolved version of the traditional legal management, which emphasizes the initiative and systematicness of risk prevention. Both opportunities and challenges exist. After entering the field, the legal team, on the basis of sufficient interviews and communications, mainly pursuant to the Compliance Management Measures for Centrally Administered Enterprises, with reference to the requirements and methods of ISO 37301, and with the main business flow charts of the Group as the underlying logic, found out the sources of obligations, built seven compliance management systems including the organizational system, institutional system, operation system, cultural system, information technology system, incentive system, and supervision and accountability system, and selected eleven key areas such as corporate governance, investment management, guarantee management, procurement and bidding management, construction project management, asset management, tax management, contract management, employment, intellectual property management, and social donations and sponsorship, and prepared a related risk list. According to the characteristics and needs of the enterprise, the service team made a number of customised innovations to the content of the Compliance Manual.

Hubei Jiaotong Group was established in 2010 with a registered capital of RMB 10 billion, which is a leading enterprise in the related fields. It will be ranked 360th on China's top 500 enterprises in 2023 (up 52 places from the previous year). The enterprise has always attached importance to "governing the enterprise according to law", and its internal rules and regulations had been quite complete before the legal team entered the field.

Dacheng's team, acting as special legal counsels to this Client Project, provided professional, comprehensive, timely, high quality and efficient legal services. This Client Project is completed through the close cooperation between the lawyers of Dacheng Shanghai Office and Wuhan Office. Chen Litong, senior partner of Dacheng Shanghai Office, acts as the co-in-charge, and Liu Ketao, partner of Wuhan Office, acts as the on-site in-charge. Key members of the Project Team also include partner Liu Julan, lawyers Zhu Shuai and Gui Ling, and assistant lawyers Xu Zepei and Cai Yuduo, etc.


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