Dacheng provides the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology with legal services for administrative reconsideration and administrative litigation

Posting Date: 2024.02.07

Recently, after going through a rigorous bidding and appraisal process of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), Dacheng was appointed as the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's special legal counsel to provide the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology with legal services for administrative reconsideration and administrative litigation.

The legal service items mainly provide the MIIT with administrative litigation and administrative reconsideration, legal advice and advice on major administrative decisions and major specific administrative actions, on-site services, and other legal services.

For the legal service project, Mr. Wang Zhangwei, a senior partner, acts as the general coordinator and team leader, and Cha Likan, an on-site lawyer, formed a core team of 30 lawyers together with senior partners Yuan Huazhi, Yang Guisheng, Zhang Dong, Dun Mingyue and Li Xiang, partners Hu Hong, Chen Fu, Lin Wei and Sui Haixu, attorneys Sun Na, Wei Lvqing, Han Huijie and Guo Jia, to provide professional and efficient legal services to assist MIIT in administration by law.

This cooperation marks the expansion and deepening of Beijing Dacheng Law Offices' practice in the areas of administrative reconsideration and administrative litigation. It also demonstrates the firm determination and practical actions of the Chinese government to administer by law and strengthen legal protection. In the future, taking this cooperation as an opportunity, the parties will work together to promote the improvement and development of the systems of administrative reconsideration and administrative litigation in China, and assist the construction of the rule of law in China to a new height.


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