Dacheng Partners successfully represented a medical technology company in obtaining a favorable award from Shanghai Arbitration Commission and helped the client achieve full enforcement of the award in Singapore

Posting Date: 2024.02.08

Recently, after successfully representing a domestic medical technology company in obtaining a favorable arbitral award from the Shanghai Arbitration Commission, Dacheng Shanghai Office, Mr. Chen Feng, and Mr. Fu Huijing and Mr. Wang Wufei collaborated with Dentons' Singapore office and obtained the recognition and enforcement of the arbitral award by the Singapore High Court, thereby achieving the optimal result of full enforcement for the client.

This case involves a dispute over a cross-border equity transfer agreement. A domestic medical technology company (hereinafter referred to as "Company A") originally planned to invest in a Singapore-based reproductive technology medical institution by way of capital increase. Accordingly, the medical technology company entered into an equity transfer agreement with Beijing Company B and Singapore Company C, which are held by the actual controllers of the medical institution, and paid relevant deposits and equity transfer price. However, after the project was terminated due to external force majeure, Company A applied for arbitration to the Shanghai Arbitration Commission on the basis of the equity transfer agreement, and demanded refund of the subscription price and deposit by Company B and Company C.

After Company A engaged Dacheng lawyers, through in-depth analysis of the contract terms, relevant evidences and legal basis, Dacheng lawyers finally obtained the award from the Shanghai Arbitration Commission which supported the client's claim in all respects.


Considering that Company B is incorporated in Singapore and has major assets there, Dacheng lawyers cooperated with Dentons' Singapore office to quickly submit the recognition and enforcement of the arbitral award to the Singapore High Court, thereby assisting the client in achieving full enforcement in an efficient manner.

In this case, Mr. Chen, senior partner of Dacheng Shanghai Office, and his team, demonstrated unrivalled legal expertise and extensive experience in cross-border dispute resolution, secured an overall victory for the client. Furthermore, by leveraging their seamless and integrated global and local legal services as a preferred partner of Dentons, Dacheng Shanghai Office assisted the client in obtaining optimal results for the efficient and effective enforcement of arbitral awards in full amount abroad, earning the client wide recognition and high appreciation.

The Dacheng team has successfully assisted the Canadian client in obtaining the first-time recognition and enforcement of an arbitral award issued by the Columbia International Commercial Arbitration Center ("CIAC") being recognized and enforced in China, another outstanding achievement by the Dacheng team in the past.


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