Dacheng Assists a Number of Head Enterprises in Completing the Record-filing of Algorithms and Large Models

Posting Date: 2024.02.23

Recently, Dacheng Digital Business Center has successfully assisted a number of head enterprises in completing the online record-filing of algorithms and generative artificial intelligence represented by large models, and promoted enterprises to enhance their awareness of risk prevention and control and internal management to ensure the safety and compliance of technological research and development and application.

At present, cutting-edge technologies represented by generative artificial intelligence are penetrating into various industries at an unprecedented speed, showing a broad and far-reaching trend of application. In order to regulate the safe use of emerging technologies and strengthen effective administration, the Administrative Provisions on the Recommendation of Algorithms for Internet-based Information Services, the Administrative Provisions on In-Depth Synthesis of Internet-based Information Services, the Interim Administrative Measures for Generative Artificial Intelligence Services and other relevant provisions have been successively introduced, and the record-filing of algorithms has been steadily carried out.

According to Article 24 of the Administrative Provisions on the Recommendation of Algorithms for Internet-based Information Services, any algorithm recommendation service provider with the attribute of public opinions or capable of social mobilization shall, within ten working days as of the date when such service is provided, fulfill the record-filing formalities via the Internet-based information service algorithm record- filing system. Article 17 of the Interim Administrative Measures for Generative Artificial Intelligence Services requires that service providers shall conduct security assessments in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State and go through the formalities for algorithm record-filing and change or deregistration in accordance with the Administrative Provisions on the Recommendation of Algorithms for Internet-based Information Services. The CAC also urged enterprises that have not yet gone through the record-filing formalities to do so as soon as possible, and that the relevant entities going through the record-filing formalities is necessary for compliance and urgent.

The Dacheng Team consists of Prof. Shen Kuo Wu, honorary founder and senior consultant of the Digital Business Center, Mr. Cai Kaiming, secretary-general and senior partner of the Digital Business Center, Ms. Xie Yeming, and partners Zhao Zhongxing, Sun Pengcheng, Zhu Biyun and Ruan Donghui.

Dacheng Digital Business Center complies with the relevant regulations, provides clients with whole-process record-filing guidance, assists in drafting the Self-assessment System for Algorithmic Security, the Monitoring System for Algorithmic Security, the Handling System for Algorithmic Illegalities and Irregularities, the Emergency Response System for Algorithmic Security Incidents and the Examination System for Science and Technology Ethics, assists in preparing the Self-assessment Report on Algorithmic Security and other materials necessary for the record-filing of the algorithm and improves the professionalism and completeness of the record- filing materials. In respect of the online record-filing of large models, Dacheng Digital Business Center shall assist clients in conducting security assessments, assisting in drafting the Agreement on Generative Artificial Intelligence Services and assisting in preparing the record- filing form for online large models. In addition, Dacheng Digital Business Center shall review the compliance status of the entity to be Dacheng Digital Business Center and effectively promote the healthy and orderly development of the enterprise.


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