Dentons lawyer appointed to a compliance management panel of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the Sichuan Provincial Government

Posting Date: 2019.08.05

With the aim of promoting the orderly management of compliance for the provincial-government-run enterprises and effectively enhancing the level of legal compliance management and risk prevention, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the Sichuan Provincial Government (“Sichuan SASAC”) held the “Symposium of Compliance Management & Pilot Work for Sichuan Provincial-Government-Run Enterprises” on July 23, 2019. As the standing legal counsel for the Sichuan SASAC, Dentons’ senior partners Xu Yongqian (Beijing) and Leng Yunsong (Chengdu), as well as associate Xian Yu, were invited to attend this meeting.

At this meeting, the Sichuan SASAC established a compliance management panel. Dentons’ lawyer Xu Yongqian received a letter of appointment from the Sichuan SASAC to serve as a panelist. Wang Biao, Deputy Director of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Justice and a member of the Party Committee, addressed the panel and spoke highly of the Sichuan SASAC’s emphasis on the SOEs’ compliance management work, and pledged that his department will live up to the expectations of the Sichuan SASAC and collaborate with relevant parties to better manage the compliance work of provincial-government-run enterprises.

Xu Jin, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Sichuan SASAC, delivered a speech that clarified the urgency and importance of compliance management, and stressed that compliance management should be focused, effective, organized and carefully planned, so as to promote the management of the enterprises. In the meantime, a “three-in-one” supervision system should be built to facilitate the implementation.

In recent years, Dentons in China has achieved great results in the field of corporate compliance advisory work, and has been heavily involved in the development of the “Risk Management - Guidelines for the Management of Legal Risk” (ISO31022) and contributed to the compilation of the “Operational Practices for Corporate Legal Risk Management” and other monographs. This appointment fully demonstrated the Sichuan SASAC’s recognition of our firm’s work in compliance management and will drive the further development of our Compliance practice in all offices, helping to build our reputation in this field.


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