Fujian Makeng Mining Co., Ltd. Granted NAFMII Approval for Short-term Financing Bond Issue under Guidance of Dacheng

Posting Date: 2014.03.14

Fujian Makeng Mining Co., Ltd. was recently granted approval from National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors (“NAFMII”) for its planned issuance of short-term financing bonds.

Makeng Mining Co., Ltd. is a state-owned, underground iron ore mining enterprise specializing in the exploitation of iron ores, molybdenum ores and limestone (used in cement). It key products include 65%-Fe iron ore concentrates and 45%-Mo molybdenum concentrates. Makeng Iron Ore Mine is one of the well-known, giant magnetite ore deposits in China, with 434mln tons of proved geological reserves of B-, C- and D-grade iron ore, larger than any other iron ore mines in East China.


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