Five Dacheng Lawyers Listed in The A-List 2023-24: Growth Drivers by China Business Law Journal

Posting Date: 2024.01.17

On January 17, 2024, the well-known legal media China Business Law Journal released The A-List 2023-24: Growth Drivers. With their excellent legal service capabilities, wide market recognition, and outstanding reputation among clients, Cai Kaiming, Peng Mingzhi, Sun Lei, Yang Furong, and Zhang Jun, lawyers from Dacheng Law Offices, won the "The Growth Drivers" award.

At Dacheng Law Offices, we are sincerely grateful to our clients for their long-standing trust and support, as well as to the media and industry peers for their recognition of our legal service capabilities. Moving forward, we will be motivated by this honor, translating our responsibilities into tangible actions. We will continue to leverage the strengths of Dacheng's global legal service network to provide clients with professional, comprehensive, timely, high-quality, and efficient legal services.


Listed lawyers

(In alphabetical order of the award winners)

Kaiming Cai

Dacheng Beijing Head Office

Mingzhi Peng

Dacheng Guangzhou Office

Lei Sun

Dacheng Beijing Head Office

Furong Yang

Dacheng Beijing Head Office

Jun Zhang 

Dacheng Beijing Head Office

After extensively listening to market feedback, the editorial team of China Business Law Journal has upgraded The A-List awards and introduced the segments "The Visionaries," "The Growth Drivers," and "The Rising Stars," together forming the lineup of The A-List of this year. These awards are set with the aim to recognize elite lawyers at different career stages and in various functional roles.


The A-List: Growth Drivers favors applicants who are backbones and major contributors to law firms' development. These lawyers should have extensive practice experience and profound legal knowledge, actively engage in the client-facing market, and possess an excellent reputation and strong revenue-generating capabilities.


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