"WeChat Index Reference of 100 Law Firms in China" Released, with Beijing Dacheng Law Offices Topping the List

Posting Date: 2024.05.08

The following article is sourced from fatianshi.cn, by fatianshi.cn

On May 6, fatianshi.cn released the "WeChat Index Reference of 100 Law Firms in China", with Dacheng Law Offices (Dacheng) securing the top position.

Dacheng has consistently prioritized the innovation of market operations and the enhancement of brand management, striving to lift its brand influence through more effective and impactful strategies. In 2023, the number of daily active users on WeChat surpassed 100 million, transforming the WeChat Index into more than just a statistic; it now serves as a reflection of a brand's engagement within WeChat's vast social ecosystem. For law firms, this Index gauges the level of attention and interaction from their WeChat users, serving as a potent indicator of brand influence.

The release of this list offers a measurable new perspective on the market operations of law firms. In the future, Dacheng will continue to deliver professional, comprehensive, and high-quality legal services in a timely and efficient manner while supporting brand development and market growth within the legal industry.

The following is reprinted from fatianshi.cn.

What is the WeChat Index?

The WeChat Index is a fundamental data tool that uses keywords as indicators to help users gauge the popularity of specific terms within the WeChat ecosystem, leveraging big data analytics. It tends to encompass keywords with tangible meanings, including but not limited to brand names. The WeChat Index is updated daily, with the popularity of articles from sources such as Search, Channels, Live Stream, articles from official accounts, web pages, and some advertising channels influencing the index. The WeChat index objectively reflects the popularity of keywords on WeChat and cannot be manually operated.

Reference significance of WeChat Index to law firms

There has been a shortage of quantitative indicators for evaluating the market operations of law firms. However, managers, especially those overseeing market operations, are looking for a reference index to inform their strategic decision-making in this field.

According to official data, as of January 21, 2021, WeChat had 1.09 billion daily active users. It has been reported that the number of Search active users on WeChat in 2023 exceeded 100 million, highlighting WeChat's significant user base for services beyond social interaction, particularly in features such as Search. This has transformed the WeChat Index into more than just a statistic; it now serves as a reflection of a brand's engagement within WeChat's vast social ecosystem. For law firms, this Index gauges the level of attention and interaction from their WeChat users, serving as a potent indicator of brand influence.

Based on the above, fatianshi.cn has published the "WeChat Index Reference for 100 Law Firms in China", aiming to offer a measurable new perspective on the market operations of law firms.

Limitations of WeChat Index

It should be noted that the WeChat Index can serve as a reference indicator for assessing the brand influence of law firms in China; however, it should not be the sole reference point. Brand influence is a multi-dimensional concept that encompasses not only online visibility and user interaction but also factors such as brand awareness, reputation, loyalty, and brand performance in the market. As a result, the WeChat Index alone may not provide a comprehensive assessment of a law firm's brand influence.

While the WeChat Index is not synonymous with the brand influence of law firms, it can still serve as a valuable tool for measuring that influence. This table does not represent a traditional "list"; rather, it is only for reference, aiming to assist law firm operators and generate greater awareness among legal professionals regarding the brand operation of law firms.

Questions and answers are provided at the end of this article to help readers better understand the table. Readers are encouraged to retrieve relevant data personally and are advised to interpret the table based on personal circumstances and needs.

Table for WeChat Index Reference of 100 Law Firms in China

The average WeChat Index values of 100 Chinese law firms over 90 days are as follows.



1.The list of the 100 law firms in this table was sourced from Xinzhe in the article titled "Exclusive Ranking: The Largest 100 Law Firms in China | 2023.11" (link provided later). Special thanks to Xinzhe.

2.The WeChat Index data in this table was retrieved on April 26, 2024. For further details, please refer to the Q&A section at the end of the article.

According to the statistics in the table above, the following law firms have made it into the top 10 based on the WeChat Index as shown in brackets, respectively Beijing Dacheng Law Offices (228509), Hunan Kuangzhen Law Group (211581), Beijing Yingke Law Firm (183190), Beijing JunHe Law Offices (158223), Beijing King & Wood Mallesons (110169), Beijing Zhong Lun Law Firm (104750), Shanghai AllBright Law Offices (78878), Beijing Commerce & Finance Law Offices (76725), Grandall Law Firm (73206), and Beijing DeHeng Law Offices (67212). Among them, Beijing Dacheng Law Offices achieved an average WeChat Index of 228509, securing the top ranking. The top 10 law firms are likely to achieve high indices due to several factors, including their activity on the WeChat platform, the quality and frequency of content they post, and the level of user interactions.

Below are the top 100 law firms in China that have a "WeChat Index Ranking" higher than their "Number of Lawyers (Law Firm Size) Ranking".

"WeChat Index Ranking" higher than the "Number of Lawyers (Law Firm Size) Ranking"

For instance, if Beijing JunHe Law Offices ranks 44th in the Number of Lawyers but 4th in the WeChat Index, this shows that its WeChat Index ranking surpasses its Number of Lawyers (Law Firm Size) ranking.


Below are the top 100 law firms in China that have a "WeChat Index Ranking" lower than their "Number of Lawyers (Law Firm Size) Ranking".

"WeChat Index Ranking" lower than the "Number of Lawyers (Law Firm Size) Ranking"


The following is a brief analysis of the data presented in the table above.

1.Relationship between law firm size and WeChat Index

There is a gap between the social activity and brand communication of certain law firms on the WeChat platform and their size. Specifically, some firms have a large number of employees but exhibit weak communication. In contrast, other law firms rank relatively high in the WeChat Index despite having fewer employees, indicating strong brand influence. For example, Commerce & Finance Law Offices ranks 68th in the Number of Lawyers but 8th in the WeChat Index; King & Capital Law Firm ranks 58th in the Number of Lawyers but 12th in the WeChat Index.

2. The WeChat Index of certain law firms relatively high in relation to their size

Some law firms rank higher in the WeChat Index compared to their size, suggesting that their effective market strategies enable them to achieve greater influence through social platforms. For instance, Hunan Kuangzhen Law Group has an average WeChat Index of 211581, positioning it 2nd in the rankings, while it ranks 80th in terms of the Number of Lawyers. Additionally, law firms including Lantai Partners, Sunhold, Global Law Office, Fade Dongheng, Anli Partners, Boss & Young, Today, Celue, Tenet & Partners, Sino Pro, Wincon, Kunyuan Hengtai, and Goldsun have all demonstrated a relatively rapid growth trajectory.

Notably, law firms that do not appear in the top 100 in terms of size are excluded from the table; however, their WeChat Index can still be among the highest. For example, the WeChat Index for Jiali Law Firm shows a value of 109103 over the past 90 days (as of May 6, 2024), indicating a relatively high standing. Therefore, the table in this article presents the WeChat Index of the top 100 law firms by size, and it does not reflect the top 100 law firms nationwide by the WeChat Index. Readers can find additional law firms not included in the table through searches; please refer to the method outlined at the end of the article.

3. Possible adjustments to brand communication strategies for some law firms

For law firms that have a large workforce but rank low on the WeChat Index, it may be necessary to revise their marketing strategy to more effectively capitalize on their scale advantages and enhance their brand influence. Law firms with a WeChat Index ranking significantly below their size ranking may conduct a targeted analysis to identify the underlying reasons, determine key actions to strengthen the brand, develop new marketing strategies, and boost overall influence.


The WeChat Index provides a reference tool for law firms to measure their brand influence. By analyzing the WeChat Index rankings of 100 law firms, we can identify which firms are actively engaging on the WeChat platform and which ones demonstrate strong growth potential.

Moreover, it is evident that law firms of all sizes can attain high levels of brand activeness and market influence by implementing innovative media strategies. Therefore, we encourage all law firms to prioritize the innovation of their marketing operations and to enhance their brand value through more efficient and effective strategies, ultimately boosting their competitiveness.

This article is for reference only, not as a brand ranking. We welcome your valuable opinions and suggestions on this article, as we aim to collaboratively enhance brand building and market development within the legal industry.


[1] 微信指数公众号 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/w8FCEU3OD67ap8ZoNtSryA

[2] 中华人民共和国司法部《律师事务所名称管理办法》 file:///Users/jessicakiralin/Downloads/ab25b87eeeb54b3a8f52ad97bc07501a-2021-12-28.pdf

[3] 新则公众号文章《独家榜单:中国规模最大100家律所排名 | 2023.11最新数据》 



Q: How representative is the data from the WeChat platform?

A: The daily active users (DAUs) on the platform serve as a crucial metric for assessing the app's attractiveness and user stickiness, reflecting the extent to which users rely on the app daily. According to official data, as of January 21, 2021, WeChat had 1.09 billion daily active users. It has been reported that the number of Search active users on WeChat in 2023 exceeded 100 million, highlighting WeChat's significant user base for services beyond social interaction, particularly in features such as Search. The number of DAUs on WeChat is undoubtedly higher. Furthermore, there is no clear evidence to suggest that the number of DAUs on other Chinese social platforms surpasses that of WeChat. With its extensive user base and high levels of user activeness, WeChat maintains a dominant position among social platforms, demonstrating significant user loyalty and market potential. In other words, WeChat can be considered the most representative social platform in China, and its metrics can partially reflect the influence of law firms.

Q: What are the reference values and limitations of the WeChat Index as an indicator of law firm influence?

A: The WeChat Index is a fundamental data tool that uses keywords as cues. It enables users to gauge the popularity of keywords within the WeChat ecosystem by leveraging big data from various sources (including WeChat Search, articles from official accounts, Moments, Mini Programs, WeChat Ads, WeChat Pay, WeChat Games, Top Stories, and Channels).

For law firms, the WeChat Index can, to some extent, reflect their visibility and the level of user interest on the WeChat platform. However, it is essential to recognize that the WeChat Index represents only one of several dimensions for assessing a law firm's brand and overall capabilities. When selecting legal services, users should also take into account additional factors such as the firm's professionalism, service quality, and client feedback to make more well-rounded and objective decisions.

Q: How can the keywords for the WeChat Index be determined in the given table?

A: According to the Measures for the Administration of Names of Law Firms by the Ministry of Justice of the People's Republic of China, the name of a general law firm is composed of three components: the name of the province (or autonomous region or municipality), a brand name, and the term "Law Firm", for instance, "Beijing Zhang San Law Firm".

The method for keyword searching is detailed as follows: (data retrieved on April 26, 2024) 1. First, the keywords "brand name + law firm" is used for search. For example, the keywords for Beijing Dacheng Law Offices is "Dacheng Law Offices", while the keywords for Beijing Yingke Law Firm is "Yingke Law Firm". 

2. If the above search results indicate "This term is not yet included", please conduct a further search using the keywords "the name of the administrative division + brand name + law firm" or "brand name + law firm", such as, "Hunan Jin Zhou Law Firm", "Beijing Huicheng Law Firm", "City Development Law Firm", or "Celue Law Firm". 

3. If the previous searches yield no results, search the official public accounts of the law firms and their names individually. Select the one with the higher average index value as the keyword. For example, in the case of East & Concord Partners, its official WeChat public account, "East & Concord Legal Insights", has a WeChat Index of 4106, while the law firm's name "East & Concord Partners" has an index of 1680. Consequently, the higher value, "East & Concord Legal Insights", is selected as the keywords. 

* The name of the law firm that is currently searchable shall take precedence in the table. However, it is important to note that there may be instances where a change in the law firm's name results in significant discrepancies in WeChat Index statistics.

Q: How is the WeChat Index in the table retrieved?

A: The WeChat Index retrieval is conducted as follows:

1.Open the WeChat search box and search for "WeChat Index".

2. On the WeChat Index page, enter the keyword you wish to search.

3. Click on "Add Comparison Word" to search for comparison keywords, allowing you to compare the popularity between two keywords (Note: You can compare up to nine keywords at once).

4. Scroll to the bottom of the page to view the bar chart comparing average index values.

5. Click "View All" to access the average WeChat Index values for the keywords over the past 90 days.

view all.jpg

6. Taking "fatianshi.cn" and "Dacheng Law Offices" as examples, the search results are as follows (as of May 6, 2024).


* There may be errors or omissions in manual data retrieval and calculations. Please feel free to leave a message for corrections.


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