The Empanelment Ceremony of the Eighth Panel of Arbitrators for the Beijing Arbitration Commission/Beijing International Arbitration Center Held and Lawyers from Dacheng Law Offices Selected for the Panel

Posting Date: 2024.05.26

*The following is sourced from the Beijing Arbitration Commission

On the afternoon of May 25, the Empanelment Ceremony of the Eighth Panel of Arbitrators for the Beijing Arbitration Commission/Beijing International Arbitration Center (BAC) was successfully held in CP Center. Guests from the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Justice including Cui Yang, Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Committee and Director General, as well as Zhang Guoqiang, Member of the CPC Committee and Deputy Director General, attended the ceremony. In addition, over 600 arbitrators, along with the entire staff of BAC, participated in the ceremony, including BAC chairperson Guo Wei, vice chairpersons Wang Liming and Liu Yanling, and committee members Li Yueping, Yi Jiming, Chen Jie, Jin Hui, Shi Hong, and Wang Guiguo, as well as supervisors Zhang Zheng and Peng Yuan. The event was presided over by Jiang Lili, committee member and secretary-general of the BAC.

Jiang Lili made a work report first. She provided an overview of the historical development of the BAC since its inception and outlined the organization's progress in 2023. She also shared the selection and empanelment process for arbitrators in the eighth panel, along with the dynamic management measures implemented for them. Finally, she reported on the key initiatives planned for the BAC in 2024 and expressed her hope that all arbitrators would collaborate and strive diligently to bring new achievements to the BAC.

Following that, Wang Liming announced the "Resolution on the Empanelment of Arbitrators for the Eighth Panel", and the guests awarded letters of empanelment to several arbitrator representatives.

Qiao Xin, Cao Lijun, and Zhao Yun, the representatives of the arbitrators, delivered speeches. As a representative of senior arbitrators, Qiao Xin shared her experiences serving at the BAC and encouraged all arbitrators to hold themselves to high standards while continuously enhancing their case-handling skills. On behalf of the newly empanelled arbitrators, Cao Lijun urged fellow arbitrators to provide insights and recommendations for developing the Beijing International Commercial Arbitration Center, taking into account the context of its establishment. As the representative of overseas arbitrators, Zhao Yun highlighted the influence of the BAC within the international arbitration community and encouraged all arbitrators to embrace international arbitration concepts and actively contribute to advancing arbitration practices in China.

In his speech, Guo Wei announced that the BAC was recognized as the "Arbitration Institution that Arbitrators Mostly Expect to Be Empanelled" in the Third China Arbitration Credibility Survey in 2023. He extended his heartfelt congratulations to the arbitrators empanelled for the Eighth Panel. He emphasized that the arbitrators of the BAC should maintain a strong political stance, have a genuine passion for the arbitration field, resonate with BAC's culture, uphold fairness and justice, possess market awareness, and demonstrate a commitment to ethical conduct. Finally, he encouraged all arbitrators to actively engage with the BAC community and contribute to the organization's advancement and progress.

In her speech, Cui Yang highlighted that as China rapidly opens up to the world and promotes the rule of law both domestically and internationally, the country's arbitration industry has entered a phase of unprecedented development opportunities. She also noted that the construction of the Beijing International Commercial Arbitration Center is progressing vigorously. Arbitrators are central to the advancement of arbitration. Therefore, she urged all arbitrators to prioritize the nation's fundamental interests, adhere to their service mandates, ensure independence and impartiality, strictly uphold professional ethics, embrace "innovation", achieve success through "quality", and work tirelessly to establish China as a leading destination for international commercial arbitration on the global stage.

The selection and empanelment of arbitrators for the Eighth Panel fully align with the practical needs of the BAC arbitration development and the objectives of the Beijing International Commercial Arbitration Center. This initiative represents a crucial step for the BAC in implementing the Overall Plan on the Institutional Reform of the Beijing Arbitration Commission, as issued by the Beijing CPC Municipal Committee and the People's Government of Beijing Municipality, while also enhancing the integrity and credibility of arbitration. Moving forward, the BAC will continue to enhance the professional ethics and codes of conduct for arbitrators, information disclosure and conflict avoidance measures, and related systems. These efforts aim to standardize the professional behavior of arbitrators, ensure their integrity in carrying out their duties, and contribute to the advancement of the BAC's arbitration initiatives as well as the development of the Beijing International Commercial Arbitration Center.

Dacheng's Empanelled Arbitrators

(Sorted in alphabetical order by English names or the Pinyin initials of the surnames)

Hua Lei

Lawyer, Dacheng Beijing

Li Qun

Partner, Dacheng Beijing

Li Yunli

Senior Partner, Dacheng Beijing

Liu Jing

Senior Partner, Dacheng Beijing

Liu Shengliang

Senior Consultant, Dacheng Harbin

Lyu Liangbiao

Senior Partner, Dacheng Beijing

Ma Jiangtao

Senior Partner, Dacheng Beijing

Song Yunfeng

Senior Partner, Dacheng Beijing

Yuan Huazhi

Senior Partner, Dacheng Beijing

Zhang Zheng

Senior Partner, Dacheng Beijing

Zhuang Yuyou

Lawyer, Dacheng Xiamen

Zou Zhiqiang

Senior Partner, Dacheng Shanghai

Dacheng has been actively involved in the arbitration sector for many years, achieving significant results. It is one of the largest comprehensive law firms in China, recognized for its strong litigation and arbitration capabilities. A total of 12 lawyers from Dacheng have been empanelled for the panel of arbitrators. The empanelled lawyers from Dacheng will adhere to the professional ethics and code of conduct for arbitrators in their arbitration work. They will standardize their practices, carry out their duties with integrity, and contribute to developing BAC's arbitration initiatives and advancing the Beijing International Commercial Arbitration Center.


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