The 2023 Annual Conference of the Legislative Research Association of China Law Society was held in Tianjin, attended by Wang Chen, President of China Law Society. Yuan Huazhi moderated the sub-forum on "Technology and artificial intelligence legislation"

Posting Date: 2023.11.16

The 2023 Annual Conference of the Legislative Research Association of China Law Society was successfully held in Tianjin from November 11 to 12, 2023, sponsored by the Legislative Research Association of China Law Society, undertaken by the Law School of Tianjin University, and co-sponsored by Beijing Dacheng Law Firm.


Wang Chen, President of China Law Society, attended the opening ceremony of the annual conference and addressed the conference. He stressed that we should follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, keep pace with the development of the times, focus on the central task, promote legislative research, use high-quality research results to support high-quality legislation, and constantly improve the ability of legislative research to serve practice.


Wang Chen pointed out that legislation is the premise and basis of the comprehensive rule of law. Legislative research undertakes the important mission of providing scientific theoretical support for the construction of the rule of law in China and training high-quality legislative personnel, and plays an important role in the process of the comprehensive rule of law. In recent years, the Legislative Research Association has united legal workers engaged in legislative theory and practice, summarized legislative achievements, sorted out legislative experience, solved legislative problems, promoted legislative work, and trained legislative personnel, thus making positive contributions to the continuous improvement of the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics with the Constitution as the core.


Wang Chen stressed that the comprehensive building of a modern socialist country puts forward new tasks and new requirements for the construction of the rule of law, especially for legislative work. To deepen legislative research on the new journey, we should adhere to the correct political direction, deeply comprehend the decisive significance of "two establishments", firmly achieve "two safeguards", and unswervingly take the road of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics. We should adhere to the guidance of ideology, consciously guide legislative education and theoretical research with Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, and consolidate the foundation for the practice of the rule of law, especially for the high-quality development of legislation. We should build a solid cultural foundation, deeply understand the significance of "two combinations", and realize the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese traditional legal culture as an important source of strengthening and improving the legislative work in the new era. We should highlight practice-oriented, focus on the key and difficult points of legislation, conduct accurate research, study in depth the problems of "how to legislate" and "how to say", and promote the quality and efficiency of legislative theoretical research. We should strengthen the training of personnel to provide high-quality legislative personnel for the improvement of the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics.


Wang Qijiang, member of the Party group and vice president of the China Law Society; Xu Anbiao, vice director of the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, vice president of the China Law Society and president of the Legislative Research Association of Law; Zhongmei Lv, vice director of the Environmental and Resources Protection Committee of the National People's Congress, vice president of the China Law Society and president of the Environmental Resources Law Society; Tingkai Wang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee and the secretary of the Political and Law Commission of Tianjin Municipality and president of the Tianjin Law Society; Ma Shunqing, vice secretary and vice director of the Party group of the Standing Committee of the Tianjin Municipal People's Congress; Yang Xianjin, secretary of the Party committee of Tianjin University and other officials attended the meeting.


The theme of the annual conference is "Theory and Practice of Legislation in the New Era and New Journey". More than 400 experts and scholars from universities, research institutes and legislative departments attended the conference. Participants conducted in-depth discussions on six sub-forums, including the "Legislative Theory for the New Era", "Legislation on Science and Technology and Artificial Intelligence", "Codification: with the Environmental Code as the Theme", "Legislation in Key Areas, Emerging Areas and Foreign-related Areas", "Local Legislative Theory and Practice" and "Youth Forum", among others. Participants through the submission of papers and seminars exchange, in-depth analysis of the above topics combined with practical research sharing.


On behalf of the Beijing Dacheng Law Offices, Mr. Yuan Huazhi, director of the Beijing Dacheng Law Offices, was invited to attend this conference, and serves as the moderator for Unit 2 of the Sub-forum on Technology and Artificial Intelligence Legislation.


Artificial intelligence has become one of the important directions of future scientific and technological change, bringing great convenience to modern life, work, education and so on. However, from the perspective of law and ethics, the change and development of artificial intelligence will also bring many challenges, such as personal information infringement, intellectual property infringement, data security threats and so on.


The topics of the "Science and Technology and Artificial Intelligence Legislation" sub-forum are "Legislative Guarantee for Science and Technology Innovation", "Theory and Practice of Artificial Intelligence Legislation", and "Research on Legislative Opportunities and Challenges in the Information Age". Yuan Huazhi, as one of the moderators, conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions with many domestic experts, scholars and industry veterans.


Hu Rongen, President and Professor of the School of Economic Law of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, introduced the issues on the identification of the attribute of digital rights in China's data legislation from the perspective of rule of law in the business environment; He Qingzhou, Professor of the Law School of Gansu University of Political Science and Law, shared his research on the contents of local legislation relating to government data security; Tao Jing, Associate Professor of the Law School of Fuzhou University, elaborated the legislative approach on the balance between ownership and copyright of digital products; Li Dianbiao, Associate Professor of the Law Research Institute of Heilongjiang Academy of Social Sciences, analyzed the theoretical logic and practical path of legislation from the perspective of ethics; Li Chunhui, Associate Professor of the Law School of Tianjin University, enumerated the practical problems faced by the legislation and solutions; Wang Zhenshuo, PhD Graduate Student of the Law School of Nankai University, expounded his unique views on shaping the model of legal interest protection for data security from the perspective of field theory. Ding Zunian, former Chairman of the Legislative Affairs Committee of the Standing Committee of Zhejiang Provincial People's Congress, and Liang Xisheng, Associate Professor of the School of Administrative Law of Southwest University of Political Science & Law, appraised the presentations made by the above scholars.


During the free discussion segment, the participants warmly discussed the legal challenges, regulatory framework and ethics of artificial intelligence technology. With the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology, legal regulation is facing unprecedented challenges. It is necessary to strengthen legal research on artificial intelligence technology, formulate sound regulatory policies and ensure the healthy development of artificial intelligence technology. At the same time, we should also pay attention to ethical issues that may be brought about by artificial intelligence technology and strengthen ethics education to enhance the public's awareness and understanding of artificial Intelligence.



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