The Tenth Season of Road to Dacheng Riding Hoping Autumn Water Ballad Ends Smoothly

Posting Date: 2023.11.15

On September 17, 2023, the tenth season of Road to Dacheng and the 2023 "Thousand-Mile Gallery" Autumn Cycling in Altay, Xinjiang officially came to an end. From September 8 to September 17, more than 200 lawyers from Dacheng offices across the country gained an in-depth understanding of the natural scenery, folklore and history and culture of the Altay region by cycling + sightseeing.


"The Way of Dacheng" is an important cultural brand for Dacheng Law Firm, which carries out its core philosophy of "Ambitious Achievements, Thousands of Steps, Thousands of Li". Since the first season of 2013, through challenging outdoor activities, such as cycling and hiking, we have demonstrated the spirit of Da Men and Women, as well as the spirit of inclusiveness, fraternity, and heart-and-hand team spirit.


Thousand-Mile Gallery is a tourism brand built in Altay region, which has held five consecutive periods of 100-vehicle self-drive activities. The cycling activity connects the tourism resources of the counties and cities in Altay region, and through cycling, advocates low-carbon life and green travel.


This year's Road to Dacheng was co-organized by Dacheng Law Firm (Road to Dacheng Executive Committee) and Altay Regional Culture, Sports, Radio, Television and Tourism. The law firm cooperated deeply with the local government for the first time since Road to Dacheng Executive began its activities. The activity was also strongly supported by Beitun City, 10th Division of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Publicity Department of Altay Prefectural Committee, Altay City People's Government, Burjin County People's Government, Habahe County People's Government, Fuhai County People's Government, Xinjiang Altay Tourism Development Group and Beijing Dacheng (Urumqi) Law Firm. Wherever Dacheng lawyers visited, the local government arranged a welcome ceremony with ethnic characteristics, and provided a comprehensive guarantee in transportation and travel for Road to Dacheng.


On the morning of September 10, the 10th season of Road to Dacheng and 2023 "Thousand-Mile Gallery" Autumn Cycling in Altay Region was officially launched in Golden Beach Scenic Area of Wulunguhu, Fuhai County.


Jiang Ye, member of the Standing Committee of Fuhai County CPC County Committee and Director of the Publicity Department; Huo Qingyuan, deputy head of Fuhai County Government, Party Secretary and Director of the Public Security Bureau; Wang Xinhui, member of the Party group and Vice Director of Altay Region's Culture, Sports, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau; Li Xiaodong, head of the Publicity Section of the Bureau of Culture, Sports, Broadcasting and Tourism of Altay Region; Du Qingchun, director of the China Region and director of the Management Committee of Dacheng Law Offices; Guo Hongqing, Guo Hongqing, Consultant of Dacheng Road Executive Committee; and Sujun Wang Sujun, member of the Executive Committee of Dacheng.


In the morning, under the security Bureau, under the lawyers of Dacheng, under the security Bureau, lawyers of Altay, with The Golden Coast, with The Of Dacheng, With The Golden Ocean, The Of Golden Lake, Dacheng Road to Golden Coast Golden Coast Huanhu Huanhu Hu Huanghu.


In The Golden Coast, Dacheng lawyers also In The Blue Blue Ribbon Activities In The Golden Sea. With blue ribbons tied to their hands, they gallop across the green waters and mountains, and take practical actions to advocate green travel and enjoy a healthy life.


On The "Second Day Dacheng Dlaw To Dacheng started The Dacheng Law Firm Dacheng Dacheng Highway 3 The To Tou.


On the winding highway, the lawyers showed the game of speed and skill, chasing each other and enjoying the natural beauty and ecological scenery.


Lawyer Huang Zhuguo from the Shenzhen office, said he had prepared the equipment very early for the cycling trip in Altay. "I have enjoyed the beautiful natural scenery and different cultural atmosphere along the way. I believe this trip will be an unforgettable memory in my life."


The third day of cycling, the original itinerary was 55 kilometers from Tou Bujin to Habahe County, Northwest Gate. Unexpectedly, a northwest wind of force 6 or 7 blew early in the morning. After riding 16 kilometers against the wind, passing the first gale pass, the flat road rode out of the steep slope at the speed of. In case of crosswind, the straight road rode out of the angle of bending.


Not far after the tuyere, the clouds were darkening in the northwest. The Of Dacheng Road Executive Committee predicted that there would be a certain scale of rain on the route, so they decided to pack up early and take the bus. Ten minutes later, everyone avoided the heavy rain of late autumn, stepping into the colorful beach and watching the Ertix River flow slowly. In the most beautiful birch forest, the Of Dacheng Road's first official competition was held here.


The first and second were road bike speed races and mountain bike speed races, respectively. The competitors set off at an interval of 30 seconds, and the total race distance was three kilometers. In the end, lawyer Shen Xiang from the Nantong office won the men's road bike speed race championship; lawyer Ji Yang from the Beijing office won the women's road bike speed race championship; lawyer Li Xingru from the Jinan office and lawyer Yang Yifeng from the Shenzhen office tied for first place and won the mountain bike speed race championship.


The third round was a fun race. There were 20 riding teams, two men and two women in each team, and the race distance was 200 meters. The format was self-made. Some showed "Horse Riding Swallow," some performed skits and mimes, and some carried people on their left shoulders and cars on their right shoulders throughout the whole race. In the end, the 18th team "Pilaf" team, lawyer Zhu Kexin and lawyer Qiao Qinzhou, won the best couple award. The two came from the Nanchang office and the Zhuhai office respectively.


Habahe County was known as "the most beautiful tail feathers of the rooster map of the motherland" and "the northernmost northwest." It included many types of landforms, rich and diverse creatures, and beautiful natural scenery.


The wind swayed through the forest, and the sound of the forest was like the rain. The shadows of the trees were scattered, and the silver and emerald green contrasted with each other. The street lights by the roadside were just right, as light as candlelight, and meandered into sparks in the birch forest. After the rain, the Habahe River flowed happily, like wild horses rolling over the sand dunes, pushing and bouncing waves on the rough river course. Riding in the birch forest after the rain, they found that the vast northwest also had a unique gentleness. In a trance, they were reluctant to turn back.


September 13th was the last day of the ride, and also the most challenging day. The riding difficulty and the height of the climb of more than 500 meters were higher than the previous days.


At 8: 30 in the morning, the riding team set out from the Habahe Hotel in Habahe County in the Altay region. They rode 41 kilometers along the 219 National Highway and arrived at Yalaman Village in Burjin County. Then they left by bus, ending the ride in the Habahe River.


Qing Min, a lawyer from the Chengdu office, said that along the way, they saw a lot of scenery that was hard to see in the mainland. They saw a lot of cattle and sheep, which was very novel. They were very grateful for the hospitality of the Habahe County government and people. "This is a very happy trip. I hope there will be a chance to come to Beijiang and Habahe again in the future."


During the ride that day, the endless mountain slopes stretched out on the vast grassland, as if they were part of nature. More than 200 adults came for the same belief. Along the way, the local people showed infinite kindness, and the relevant government departments provided various guarantees, helping the adults fearlessly cross the mountains and rivers.


We surpass ourselves, and what we experience is our will.


After all the riding, they stayed at Jia Dengyu and started the celebration mode.


The adults sat together, tasted the special Kazakh cuisine, and looked at the distant snow mountain. It was like people in a painting, and everything lived in harmony. Lit a bonfire, the bright fire and blue smoke, and the night into the bright fire and blue smoke.


The teams' programs are creative. This group of people can sing and dance, to long lyric, everyone is a director, but also a person in the play. The adults from all over the world drank and talked about life.


Traveled to Xinjiang, enjoying the warmth of the sky alone, this is a pure land. The soul of the desert frontier, one can not go to its veins unless one goes to it in person. Came to Womu, boarded the Kanas Mountains, there is a sign saying "China-Kazakhstan, Russia and Mongolia Friendship Peak", elevation 4374 meters. Located on the borders of China with Kazakhstan, Russia and Mongolia, standing in this snowy place, I feel mysterious, harmonious and safe, and my soul has been greatly purified.


Looking back at the Road to Dacheng season ten, many Dacheng colleagues have generously funded and advised the Road to Dacheng, and the young lawyers of Dacheng have also been supported and encouraged in the Road to Dacheng Development Fund. Dacheng lawyers have also issued initiatives to help promote the development and construction of Altay, such as helping to attract investment and business cooperation, providing legal assistance for migrant workers, providing internships for law students, and providing legal advice for women on marriage, family and child education and rearing.


On September 16, Xinhua News Agency's Xinjiang channel reported on the Dacheng Road's Northern Xinjiang cycling activities in "More than 200 Riders Complete the" Thousand-Mile Gallery "in Altay, Xinjiang."In the two days after the release of the news, it had been read 1,465,000 times.


From the first season of Sichuan-Tibet cycling in 2013 to the tenth season of Northern Xinjiang cycling in 2023, each season of the Road to Dacheng Road carries the core concept of "Silicon Steps a Thousand Miles, Together to Create Dacheng", and transmits to the society the personal quality and team spirit of adults holding hands, challenging themselves and surpassing.


More than 200 adults spent the next 10 days in Northern Xinjiang, is a 10 days of adult courage, persistence and pursuit. From Fuhai to Beitun, we spent the summer; from Burjin to Haba, we trembled and swayed in the autumn wind; and in the cold Kanas, we crossed the early winter. The changing of temperatures and temperatures, the impermanence of the world, tests the cyclists, the organizers and the implementation side.


We always adhere to, understand and philosophical. We pedaled through the desolate Gobi Desert in Northern Xinjiang, as if returning to our childhood hometown, placed in the high mountains and grasslands, arriving at one destination after another. On the road, we should not only face physical exhaustion and the depletion of strength, but also overcome our inner fear and doubt. It is these difficulties that make us persevere, encourage and help each other. And now, those pain and the flowers all the way, have become beautiful memories.


No matter where we are, we always have the desire for temperature, freedom and challenge in the Road to Dacheng. Today, we are a short farewell; next year, we will return with arrogance!


Love on the road, never stops!


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