The Grand Final of the 4th Dacheng Cup Dispute Resolution and Debate Competition came to a successful end.

Posting Date: 2023.11.15

On the evening of October 23, the award ceremony of the Grand Final of the 4th Dacheng Cup Dispute Resolution and Debate Competition was held in Sheraton Shenzhen Bolin Tianrui Hotel. After 36 fierce battles in three days, 23 civil, criminal and English international arbitration teams from offices around the country of Dacheng and Chengdu University of Technology had decided the overall champion, runner-up and best debater and other awards. Thus, the competition officially came to a successful end.


The 4th Dacheng Cup Dispute Resolution and Debate Competition officially opened in July 2021 in Guiyang, with 36 civil teams, 41 criminal teams and 25 English international arbitration teams from offices around the country of Dacheng and universities, with more than 700 outstanding lawyers and faculty members and students of law universities registered to participate. The competition held the criminal group stage, the English international arbitration group stage and the civil group stage in October 2021, July 2022 and April 2023 respectively.


After the fierce competitions in the group stage, semifinal and final, all the awards of this competition were won. Among them:


The winner of the civil group was Beijing North Star Team, and the runner-up was Shenyang Fengtian Team; the winner of the criminal group was Beijing Friendship Team, and the runner-up was Dacheng Shanghai Team; the winner of the English international arbitration group was Beijing Aequitas, and the runner-up was Chengdu Hold the Door Team.


The best debaters of the civil group were Bi Jianwei, Lv Hui and Wang Zhenmei; the best debaters of the criminal group were Jiang Zhiqiang and Jing Yabin; and the best debaters of the English international arbitration group were Niu Yue and Wang Xiangyu.


In addition, the Award for Excellent Undertaker, the Individual Talent Award and the Excellent Witness Award for English International Arbitration, the Special Contribution Award and other awards were also granted.


Special Thanks


Strong Support and Common Dacheng

On October 20, the semi-finals and the final of the 4th Dacheng Cup Dispute Resolution and Debate Competition kicked off at the Sheraton Shenzhen Bolin Tianrui Hotel.


Before the launching ceremony, Chen Ming, member of the Party Committee of Shenzhen Bureau of Justice, full-time secretary of the Party Committee of lawyers, Wang Xianjun, secretary and director of the Party Group of Futian District, Shenzhen, Zhang Bin, president of the Bar Association, and the management of Dacheng met with the management of Dacheng. On behalf of Dacheng, Mr. Yuan Huazhi, director of Dacheng Law Firm, thanked the justice bureaus of Shenzhen and the Shenzhen Lawyers Association for its long-term guidance and support. Director Yuan briefly introduced the basic situation of Dacheng, enumerated the three stages of its development and the construction of "Eight Aspects", namely specialization, large- scale, internationalization, digitalization, integration, ecology, platform and brand. Du Qingchun, Director of Dacheng Management Committee, Wang Shunliang, Vice Chairman of Dacheng China Region Board and Director of Dacheng Shanghai Office, Cheng Jianfeng, Director of Dacheng Shenzhen Office and Ding Yiping, Executive Director of Dacheng Shenzhen Office were present at the meeting. Secretary Chen Ming, on behalf of the Bureau of Justice of Shenzhen, extended sincere blessings to the 15th anniversary of Shenzhen Office of DACHENG, warmly welcomed the holding of the semi-finals and finals of the 4th Dacheng Cup Debating Contest in Shenzhen, and fully affirmed the construction of the Eight Civilizations. It is hoped that the Dacheng Shenzhen Office will adhere to professional development as the driving force, and constantly become larger and stronger, so as to better contribute to the high-quality social and economic development in Shenzhen. Wang Xianjun, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Justice Bureau of Futian District Justice Bureau of Shenzhen City, Zhang Bin, President of the Lawyers' Association of Shenzhen City, Yan Jiakun, Deputy Director of the Lawyers' Office under the Justice Bureau of Shenzhen City, and Zhang Ying, Head of the Rule of Law Promotion Section under the Justice Bureau of Futian District Justice Bureau attended the talks.


The launch ceremony of the semi-finals and finals of the 4th Dacheng Cup Debating Contest has officially begun.


Wang Xianjun, Party Secretary and Director of the Bureau of Justice of Futian District, Shenzhen; Zhang Bin, President of Shenzhen Lawyers' Association; Yan Jiakun, Deputy Director of the Lawyers' Management Department of Shenzhen Justice; Zhang Ying, Chief of the Rule of Law Promotion Section of the Bureau of Justice of Futian District; Yuan Huazhi, Director of Dacheng Law Firm and Chairman of the Board; Jun Wang, Chairman of Dacheng Advisory Committee; Jiang Rongqing, Director of Dacheng Supervision Committee; Du Qingchun, Director of Dacheng Management Committee and other management members; Wang Zhongde, Lifetime Honorary Chairman of Joint Conference of Dacheng Global Legal Service Network and President of Academy of International Legal Services; Li Tao, Director of Dacheng Dispute Resolution Committee; Yu Xingquan, Executive Director of Dacheng Criminal Committee; Wang Yu, Vice Director of Dacheng Dispute Resolution Committee and Commander-in-Chief of Debate Competition; Zhu Yongrui, Vice Director of Harbin Bar Association; Wang Hancheng, Director of Dacheng Shenzhen Office; Cheng Jianfeng, Director of Dacheng Shenzhen Office; Ding Yiping, Executive Director of Dacheng Shenzhen Office; and Wu Wenhui, Party Secretary of Dacheng Shenzhen Office and others attended the launch ceremony.


In addition to the above-mentioned leaders and guests, 23 civil, criminal and international arbitration teams from offices of Dacheng across the country and Chengdu University of Technology, judges from Singapore, Hong Kong and Dacheng's offices, partners from Dacheng's Shenzhen Office and nearly 400 persons attended the launch ceremony.


Match Review


In Full Swing and Peak Match


On October 21, 23 teams of the top 10 in the criminal group stage, the top 9 in the civil group stage, and the top 4 in the English international arbitration group stage entered the semi-final schedule and started to battle. At the noon of October 23, with the ringing of the gavel, all the semi-final schedule came to an end. Beijing teams of the civil groups, Shenyang Fengtian Carrier Team and Nanjing Team, Beijing Friendship Team and Shanghai Team of the criminal groups, and Chengdu Hold the Door and Beijing Aequitas of the international arbitration groups won the semi-final and entered the final.


In the afternoon of October 22, 2023, the Beijing team and the Chengdu team started the championship battle in respect of the dispute over the quality of turbines in the English international arbitration group. Victor Dawes SC, Chairman of the Hong Kong Bar Association of China was the presiding arbitrator, and Melvin See of Singapore and Patrick Fan of Hong Kong were the arbitrators. The international arbitration rules shall be adopted throughout the international arbitration match, and the rules of evidence shall be subject to the International Lawyers Association Rules of Evidence Taking. The competition consists of five segments, namely, opening statements, cross-examination of factual witnesses, questioning of expert witnesses, legal debate and closing statements. On the competition field, the two parties went deep in the cross-examination of witnesses and had an intense debate over whether there were quality problems of turbines.


On October 22-23, 2023, the three finals of the civil division were launched in the form of wheel war, with the teams being decided according to their points. Teams from Dacheng Nanjing, Beijing and Shenyang launched the summit competition around the "dispute over financial loans". Lawyer Xu Yongsheng from Guangzhou Office, Lawyer Xia Xia from Taiyuan Office and Lawyer Zhu Lanchun from Shenzhen Office served as the chief judges for the three games respectively; Lawyer Tong Zhe from Ningbo Office, Lawyer Ma Jinyu from Ürümqi Office, Lawyer Teng Hua from Nanning Office, Lawyer Zhang Hongtao from Qingdao Office, Lawyer Ren Jingde from Kunming Office and Lawyer He Jianwen from Hangzhou Office served as the judges.


On the afternoon of October 23, 2023, the criminal final was fought by Da Cheng Shanghai Team and Da Cheng Beijing Team around the "bill fraud case" in another venue of Shenzhen University. Lawyer Ma Cheng from Shenzhen Office served as the chief judge of the criminal final, Lawyer Li Hongxin from Zhengzhou Office and Lawyer Zhang Weiwei from Guangzhou Office served as the judges.


The debaters were calm, logical, sharp and humorous, fully demonstrating Dacheng lawyers' deep theoretical foundation, keen thinking ability and professional practice in fact analysis, law application, logical reasoning, defense strategies and other aspects.


Award ceremony


Star-Studded and meritorious service unrewarded


On the evening of October 23, the award ceremony of the 4th "Dacheng Cup" Dispute Resolution and Debate Competition was held in Sheraton Shenzhen Bolin Tianrui Hotel. More than 220 participants, including Dean Xiong Wei of the Law School of Shenzhen University, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Law School of Shenzhen University, Yuan Huazhi, Director of Dacheng Law Offices, Director of Dacheng Law Firm, Du Qingchun, Director of Dacheng Management Committee, leaders of Dacheng China Regional Bureau and Accreditation Administration of Dacheng China, persons in charge of all offices, Director of Dacheng Dispute Resolution Committee Li Tao, Executive Director of Dacheng Criminal Committee Yu Xingquan, Vice Director of Dacheng Dispute Resolution Committee Wang Yu, commander-in-chief of Dacheng Dispute Resolution Committee Zhu Yongrui, referees, team members and partners of Dacheng Shenzhen Office attended the ceremony.


At the beginning of the ceremony, Dean Xiong Wei of the Law School of Shenzhen University delivered a speech on the stage. Dean Xiong pointed out that this year marks the 15th anniversary of the establishment of Dacheng Shenzhen Office. In the past 15 years, Dacheng Shenzhen has become one of the top legal service institutions in Shenzhen with its outstanding professional ability and outstanding performance, and is highly recognized by the society. The competition was held in the beautiful Lihu campus of Shenzhen University, and 58 students of the Law School of Shenzhen University volunteered. This was both a big competition and a big training to enhance the ability, so that we felt Dacheng's demeanor, but also Dacheng's professionalism. Hope that the competition will be an opportunity for Dacheng Law School of Shenzhen University and Dacheng Law Firm to strengthen exchange and cooperation, and work together to cultivate more outstanding legal personnel.


Director Du Qingchun delivered a speech on behalf of Dacheng Law Firm. Director Du Qingchun described the competition by Chairman Mao's classic exposition, "The Long March is a manifesto, the Long March is a propaganda team, and the Long March is a seeding machine."He believed that the competition lasted many days and was wonderful. The success of this event is of great significance in demonstrating the professional achievements of Dacheng Law Firm, in promoting the professional brand of Dacheng Law Firm and in stimulating the growth of young lawyers.


Mr. Li Tao delivered a speech on behalf of the sponsor of the contest and Dacheng Dispute Resolution Committee. Lawyer Li Tao mentioned that the fourth annual debating competition started in Guiyang, with Chengdu as the introduction and Hefei as the momentum. It had traveled through thousands of rivers and mountains, from online to offline, across epidemics, across time and space, and today, it would end in Shenzhen. The participants have experienced many changes in the event activities, the game's mood has been ups and downs, but in the venue today, Dacheng participants and special referees are still enthusiastic, still to the heart. The input of Dacheng's young lawyers, the courage of Chinese and English lawyers, and the guardian of the older generation of lawyers outline the group image of Dacheng's specialty, elite and inheritance. Hope that in the future, with the deepening of Dacheng specialization, more excellent professional and expert lawyers will be found and trained, so that Dacheng will continue to be glorious.


Yu Xingquan addressed on behalf of Dacheng Criminal Professions Committee. Yu Xingquan mentioned that there were 21 criminal debate competitions in this Debate Competition, with more than 60 referees and more than 120 participants. Team members performed well and with style. Wonderful! Although it is a fierce criminal debate competition, but everyone helps each other, learns from each other, and jointly promotes the level of skills. See a strong atmosphere of unity, enterprising, competition and cooperation!


Wang Yu addressed the organizing committee of the Debate Competition. Wang said that he was grateful to the Shenzhen Office for its wonderful undertaking, which made the competition a success; to the judges for their unstinting support and hard pay; to the participating teams for their dedicated investment, and to the award-winning teams and players; and to the various offices and Dacheng colleagues for their concern and care about the competition. Hope that with our joint efforts, this activity will be made into a gold-lettered signboard of Dacheng, let us leave the most shining memory in our lives.


Zhu Yongrui addressed as the person in charge of the International Arbitration Contest. Zhu pointed out that the arbitrators, headed by Raymond Tu, Chairman of the Law Society of Hong Kong, put in a lot of energy to study the case, which is the cornerstone of the success of the contest. Faced with the questions of the arbitration tribunal, our contestants not only grasped the key points of the questions, but also responded with ease. The online broadcast of the Final Round received more than 5,000 views and rave reviews. The contest has highlighted Dacheng's international brand, Dacheng's international lawyer, and Dacheng's international business reputation. We will build on the past and forge ahead, use Dacheng's talent and network advantages to serve clients, and use legal means to firmly safeguard the rights and interests of Chinese enterprises and the Government on the international stage.


Mr. Ding Yiping delivered a speech as the representative of the organizer. Mr. Ding said that, for the successful conclusion of this large-scale professional competition, special thanks would be given to the great supports of the Shenzhen Bureau of Justice, the District Bureau of Justice, the Municipal Bar Association, the Law School of Shenzhen University, the management of Dacheng China Region, Dacheng Dispute Committee, Dacheng Criminal Law Committee and various offices, as well as to all the judges, committee members and all the contestants for their hard work. As a leading legal service institution in Shenzhen, Dacheng Shenzhen will continue to take its professional development as the driving force, further strengthen exchanges, coordination and cooperation with various offices and higher education institutions, undertake various professional events, further improve legal service skills, and make a greater contribution to the high-quality social and economic development of Shenzhen.


After the speeches were delivered by the distinguished leaders, a grand awarding ceremony was held. The award-winning representatives of the civil, criminal and English international arbitration groups went on stage to receive their awards in turn, and the distinguished leaders such as Yuan Huazhi, Du Qingchun, Wang Lihong, Wang Shanliang presented the trophies to the winners and took group photos.





Professional tempering and long performance


This activity aims to enhance the professional practice skills of young lawyers, explore deeper demand in the industry, and expand the scope of international business. The competition has brought together the top professionals in civil, criminal and international arbitration from Dacheng's Beijing Head Office and various offices, and integrated the resources of law schools. Through the university/college cooperation model by inviting student competition teams and universities to co-organize, Dacheng has strengthened exchanges with talent cultivation bases. In particular, the series of competitions held by the international arbitration groups in English, which give full play to the unique advantages of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, and provide a new way for Dacheng to explore professional international legal services in the areas of cross-border investment and trade, as well as cross-border dispute resolution. The competition is of decisive significance for Dacheng's brand building, professionalization and attraction of foreign-related talents. At the same time, the Competition opens up new ideas for building the platform for cross-regional communication and cooperation between Dacheng's lawyers, industry elites and legal colleagues, and demonstrates Dacheng's spirit and concept of "all rivers flow into the sea".


Dacheng hopes that young lawyers can continuously hone their ability, practice and tenacious will required by the development of society, always maintain the spirit and power of in-depth research and forging ahead in the face of difficulties, pass on the spirit of never stagnant endeavour from generation to generation, and constantly feed the integrated, specialized and international development of the law firm with their growth and advancement.


One day, Dapeng rises with the wind and soars 90,000 miles high. I sincerely wish all of you young lawyers and legal colleagues to shine brightly in your respective practice fields, turn your long but difficult dream into the power for persistent pursuit, and draw a more magnificent chapter of life with your diligent and professional brush.


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