Michael Liu Senior Partner
  • IP and Technology Innovation
  • Dispute Resolution
  • Corporate and M&A
  • Criminal Law


Attorney LIU is a senior partner in Dacheng Shanghai office. He is a senior lawyer, a senior economist, as well as having a master degree in MBA, and has over 27 years of experience in legal practice. He has worked in state-owned enterprises for more than 10 years and served as a corporate executive. Attorney LIU specializes in intellectual property, major commercial dispute resolution, corporate compliance, MAs, and financial management etc, and is especially adept at handling difficult and complex legal issues and providing comprehensive legal services and value-added services for clients.
Attorney LIU is currently a civil and administrative expert of the Supreme People Procuratorate, the director of the Intellectual Property Rights Commission of the Shanghai Bar Association, a director of Shanghai Intellectual Property Service Industry Association, a director of the Intellectual Property Research Association of the Shanghai Law Society, a mediator of Shanghai Economic and Trade Commercial Mediation Center, a director of China (Shanghai) Free Trade Experimental Zone Intellectual Property Association, a distinguished expert of China Folk Arts Legal Service Center, a member of the Lawyers team of Legal Advisory Commission of Shanghai Association for Science and Technology, a member of Consumer Protection Legal Expert Service Group in Shanghai Consumer Protection Commission, a specially-invited mediator of Shanghai Pudong New Area Professional People Mediation Center, an independent director of several listed companies including Shanghai Dazhong Public Utilities (Group) Co., Ltd. and has served as a member of the Expert Demonstration Commissions of the Shanghai High People Court for numerous times. Meanwhile, attorney LIU has served as an instructor for East China University of Political Science, Tongji University, Shanghai Lawyers College and Wenzhou University, providing multiple levels of instruction for lawyers many times. He also cooperated with the Bai Qian Qian Program launched by the All China Lawyers Association, providing professional lawyer training for lawyers in Guizhou, Xinjiang, Yunnan, and other areas. In addition, he has been a guest lawyer for the programs Party A, Party B and First Finance on Shanghai Television and the program Lawyers Community sponsored by the Shanghai Bar Association.
Attorney LIU has served as a legal adviser and provided legal services for dozens of large state-owned enterprises, foreign enterprises and institutions, including but not limited to Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 633 Research Institute of the Aviation Industry Corporation of China, Ltd., China Railway Signal and Communication Shanghai Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai Guosheng Group Shengrong Industrial Co. Ltd., Shanghai Office of China Orient Asset Management Co., Ltd., Shanghai Foreign Economic and Trade Industry Co., Ltd, Shanghai Tianan Insurance Company, Shanghai Xin Yang Industrial Park Management Committee, Traditional Chinese Medicine and OTC Division of Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Holding Co., Ltd., Shanghai Lei Yun Shang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Sinopharm Holding Hutchison Whampoa (Shanghai) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Shanghai Hutchison Whampoa Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Shanghai Xing Hua Lou (Group) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Urban Development Group Jiadeli Supermarket Co., Ltd., DBS Bank, Japan Tsumura Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Japan Zhengying Industrial Combustion Equipment Co., Ltd., etc.
Attorney LIU uses his familiarity with company operations and intellectual property protection to improve corporate governance structures and standardize modes of operation for enterprises. Through administrative and litigation means, he has won the honour of Well-Known Trademark in China for many enterprises and enhanced their brand influence and popularity. At the same time, attorney LIU also actively promotes intellectual property capitalization. He has provided full process services for funds, capital management plans and industrial funds for China Orient Asset Management Co., Ltd., trust companies and listed companies, with a cumulative service amount nearing CNY 100 billion. He has been responsible for and participated in many joint ventures, MAs and equity transfers of large enterprises, for example, he participated in the negotiation of China large aircraft project with Collins Co. of USA, the joint venture project of Shanghai Hutchison Whampoa Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. and the equity acquisition of Qingdao Guofeng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., etc. Attorney LIU has represented many influential companies in equity disputes, debt disputes and intellectual property cases such as trademarks, patents, copyrights and unfair competition, and has creatively completed litigation for the clients.


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