Pascal Jiang Partner
  • Dispute Resolution
  • Compliance and Risk Management
  • Bankruptcy, Restructuring and Insolvency
  • Cross-Border Investment and Trade


Pascal is a partner of the TMT Practice Group in Dacheng Shanghai office. He has over 20 years of experience advising TMT clients in areas including Internet information service, e-commerce, IT equipment and service, software, big data analysis, cloud computing, chip technology, blockchain, self-driving vehicles, and new energy cars.

Pascal assists foreign investors in designing suitable investment and cooperation structures for entering highly regulated sectors in China, enhancing cooperation arrangements with partners, and ensuring the protection of key intellectual property. He possesses extensive knowledge and practical experience in cybersecurity and data protection compliance within China. Additionally, he has considerable experience in Chinese outbound investment, foreign-related dispute resolution, and bankruptcy matters.


Admissions and Qualifications

Working Experience

Honors and Awards

Representative Projects/Matters

Activities and Affiliations

Academic Achievements


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