Dacheng Lawyers Assisted CSJI in Listing on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong

Posting Date: 2024.01.09

On January 9, 2024, Zhongshen Jianye Holding Limited (Share Name: CSJI, Share Code: 2503) was successfully listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.


CSJI Holding Limited

CSB mainly acts as the general contractor or subcontractor on construction projects and its projects cover various types of construction works, including: (i) construction works, mainly consisting of structural and/or construction works; (ii) municipal utility works, mainly consisting of all urban and rural public infrastructure construction; (iii) ground foundation works, mainly consisting of earthwork and foundation construction and slope protection works; and (iv) specialized contracting works, mainly consisting of building decoration and decoration works services. By utilizing strategic thinking, CSJI specialized in public works of Guangdong Province, thereby establishing its reputation and expanding its market share. In addition, it successfully established a firm foothold in Guangdong Province throughout Henan Province, Sichuan Province, Fujian Province, Hubei Province, Zhejiang Province and the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

Acting as the PRC counsel for sole sponsor and underwriter of the Project, Dacheng Team provided a full range of legal services in both English and Chinese, including without limitation to legal due diligence, designing the listing proposal, reviewing PRC legal opinions and legal documents, reviewing relevant chapters and sections of the prospectus, responding to questions raised by the SFC or the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, etc., and assisted the issuer in drafting and preparing the filing reports and other filing documents required by the CSRC for the filing of offshore listing of domestic enterprises. Relying on our extensive experience in overseas public offerings and listings, the team provided professional and efficient legal services to our clients and ultimately assisted CSB to successfully list on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. The Dacheng Team consists of senior partner Guo Yaoli, attorneys Zhao Hongjuan and Tian Fangfang and assistant Chen Xue, which provide legal services in mainland China.


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