Dentons advises Chenglingji Hunan New Port Area on 2019 Series I Medium Term Note issuance

Posting Date: 2019.04.30

On April 30, 2019, Hunan Chenglingji New Port Area Development and Investment Co., Ltd. (the issuer) successfully issued RMB 1.5 billion 2019 Series I Medium Term Note. The credit rating for the issuer was AA. The term of the bond was 3+2 years, and the coupon rate was 7.0%. China Merchants Bank served as the lead underwriter, and Bank of Changsha was the joint lead underwriter. China Cheng Xin International Credit Rating Co., Ltd. made the credit rating, and MAZARS Accounting Firm was the auditor.

As the legal advisor for the issuer, Dentons Changsha Senior Partner Ma Ying and Associate Wang Lin provided legal assistance on this issuance. With rich experience and professional legal services, the team won the trust of the client.


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