Dentons advises SF Holding on its RMB 5.5 billion acquisition of Deutsche Post DHL Group's supply chain business in China

Posting Date: 2019.03.18

On October 26, 2018, SF Holding (002352.SZ) announced its RMB 5.5 billion acquisition of Deutsche Post DHL's supply chain businesses in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau and that the two parties entered into a ten-year supply chain strategic cooperation agreement. Recently, SF Holding released an announcement that all the prerequisites for this transaction have been reached and the deal has been successfully closed.

The acquisition is an important step for SF Holding to implement its integrated logistics supplier strategy. Through this deal, the company can quickly complement the supply chain segment and enrich its product line, thus enabling it to expand supply chain market more aggressively. In addition, through this integration, SF Holding will also receive strong support from DPDHL in brand licensing, technology, training, accounts and supply chain capabilities.

As SF Holding's Chinese law advisor, a Dentons team led by senior partners Emilia Shi and Jet Deng, along with partner Yuzhou Yang, provided full scope legal assistance on this deal, including due diligence on the target businesses in Chinese mainland, review and negotiation of core terms of the transaction documents, overseas investment filings, information disclosure, anti-monopoly declarations and post brand integration matters. Their quality, rigorous and efficient work facilitated this deal being closed smoothly, and they were highly appreciated by the client.


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