Dentons China’s Lawyers assisted AVIC in an aircraft financing lease project for an Airbus 321NEO aircraft

Posting Date: 2019.03.05

Recently, the team of Wu Jingjing, a senior partner of Dentons Shanghai, assisted AVIC International Leasing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “China Aviation Leasing”) in successfully completing the aircraft financing lease project for an Airbus 321NEO aircraft. AVIC delivered the aircraft to Air China Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Air China") in Hamburg on January 31, German local time.

The lessor of this project was the airline's project company located in Tianjin Dongjiang Free Trade Zone. The financing party was the China Development Bank Shanghai Branch, the airline was Air China, and the aircraft manufacturer was Airbus. Involved contracts included: Financing loan contract, aircraft financing lease agreement, purchase equity transfer agreement, fuselage warranty agreement, engine warranty agreement and related notices and confirmation letters.

Mrs. Wu and a lawyer of her team Wang Songyan, paralegal Liu Gongyuan and Fu congye acted as special legal counsel for AVIC Leasing and its project company and provided full legal services for the aircraft financing lease project, including drafting and revision of transaction documents, issuing legal opinions and laws, consulting and negotiation services.

The transaction was the first cooperation between AVIC Leasing and Air China. The successful conclusion of the transaction also laid a solid foundation for deepening future cooperation between the two parties. The team of Wu Jingjing will continue to provide comprehensive, high-quality, professional and efficient legal services to clients including AVIC Leasing to ensure the smooth progress of each project.


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