Dentons Kunming advises China Tower on operating in Laos

Posting Date: 2018.12.18

On the evening of December 18, Southeast Asia Tower Company, which is jointly established by China Tower, Laos Government and Click Lao Marketing and Consultancy, officially opened for business. A Dentons Kunming team acted as the legal advisor for China Tower.

Chairman of China Tower Tong Jilu and leaders from Laos Ministry of Planning and Investment, along with senior partner Zhou Dayong and associate Deng Daoting from Dentons Kunming office, attended the opening ceremony. On the afternoon of the 18th, Bounnhang Vorachith, General Secretary of the Lao's People's Revolutionary Party and President of Laos, met Mr. Tong and expressed congratulations and support for the establishment of Southeast Asia Tower Company.

Establishing the Southeast Asia Tower Company in Laos is the first overseas investment project of China Tower. As the legal advisor for this project, Dentons Kunming office arranged a team composed of senior partners Zhou Dayong, Li An and Zhu Chenyi, partners Pu Zhonghua and Yang Yahan, and associate Deng Daoting, to assist the client on this deal. The team officially signed the Engagement Agreement with China Tower's Yunnan Branch for the project on March 9, 2018. During the one-year service process, our lawyers has been dedicated to providing high-quality and high-value legal services, focusing on communication with all parties involved in the project, keeping up with legal and policy changes in China and Laos, and accurately providing legal advices on this project. They also went to Laos to participate in the negotiations of this project many times, showcasing the great image of Dentons' international presence, exquisite work and efficient service.

The successful completion of this project marks a new chapter for China Tower in its going global and dynamic development and a milestone for Dentons Kunming in its expansion of business in Southeast Asia. The office has gained valuable experience in this project and laid a solid foundation for Dentons to provide professional, multi-level and cross-jurisdictional quality legal services in the international market.


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