Dentons lawyer appointed to expert panel of civil and administrative litigation supervision case of the Supreme People's Procuratorate

Posting Date: 2018.12.19

Recently, Dentons Beijing senior partner Qian Xuekai received an appointment letter from the Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) for the expert panel of civil and administrative litigation supervision case (the "Panel"), with the appointment spanning five years (from July 2018 to June 2023).

In order to implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping "focusing on cultivating professional competence and professionalism", and Secretary Guo Shengkun's deployment in the comprehensive deepening of the reform of the judicial system, the SPP established an expert panel system for civil and administrative litigation, selecting panel members from law experts, scholars, attorneys, senior judges, NPC deputies and CPPCC members with legal background. The Panel will demonstrate on civil and administrative litigation supervision cases, which will help better adapt to the judicial needs of the public, promote balanced, full and comprehensive development of procuratorial work, update the concept of supervision in civil and administrative litigations, and push forward the specialization and standardization of the public prosecutor team.

Mr. Qian has been practicing law for more than 20 years and has rich expertise and practice experience in corporate mergers and acquisitions, mining and energy, cross-border investment, corporate compliance and operation, and dispute resolution, especially in civil and commercial litigation and arbitration.

Mr. Qian said that being appointed to the Panel as a representative from the legal profession was both an honor and a responsibility. He will actively participate in the case supervision and demonstration work, earnestly perform his duties, continuously improve his theoretical foundation and case handling skills, and present opinions in a professional, prudent and fair manner, so as to make contributions to the litigation supervision of the procuratorate and the judicial justice in the country.


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