Dentons lawyer participates in the first public hearing on examination of arrest held by the People's Procuratorate of Nanchang City and wins the decision not to arrest the suspects

Posting Date: 2018.12.05

On November 16, 2018, a public hearing was held by the People's Procuratorate of Nanchang City (PPNC) for four suspects accused of picking quarrels and provoking troubles. A Dentons team consisting of Xiong Jianxin, Xu Zhiqiang, Hu Ying, Li Yajun (all from Nanchang office) and Hu Xiaohua (Beijing) worked together to defend the suspects. This is the first case with a public hearing held by PPNC on the examination of arrest. At the hearing, on basis of the circumstances of the case they commanded, combined with the nature of the offenses, the suspects' social dangerousness, and the necessity of arrest, Dentons lawyers openly expressed our defense opinion of not to arrest the four suspects. Prior to this meeting, our lawyers have also submitted many written defense statements to the case-handling authority. In the end, based on the circumstances of the case and defense opinions of Dentons lawyers, the responsible prosecutor of this case made the decision to disapprove the request of arresting the suspects as the fact was unclear and evidence was insufficient.

At the same time, as it is the first case in which PPNC conscientiously implemented the People's Procuratorate of Jiangxi Province's directive of "exploring and improving the ways of examining arrests and public examination", this case has received extensive attention from the society and has been reported by many media such as Jinri Toutiao.


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