Dentons advises organizer of the "Beijing Design Week 2018 – 751 International Design Festival"

Posting Date: 2018.09.26

On September 26, 2018, the "Beijing Design Week 2018 – 751 International Design Festival" (the Festival) was officially launched at the 751D·Park. Liu Junsheng, member of the standing committee of the Chaoyang District of Beijing and head of publicity, Danish Crown Prince, and Copenhagen Mayor presented at the opening ceremony. A Dentons Beijing team led by senior partner Qian Weiqing acted as the legal advisor for the event organizer.

With the theme of "Delicious Design", the Festival focuses on food design, starting from the visual feast of food aesthetic, the emotional treasure of food memories to fresh experiences of food technology, working on the fun and interaction between food and design. At the same time, Copenhagen, as the official guest city, created a mini-Copenhagen city, and held an event with the theme of "Living is Giving", which conveys the idea of "living is giving" from the aspects of lifestyle, culture and sustainable urban development.

751D·Park was built on the out-of-production factory buildings of Beijing Zhengdong Electronic Power Group Co., Ltd. (formerly 751 Factory). By utilizing the industrial cultural resources, the park takes fashion design as its core and aims to create an international platform for blending and exporting contemporary fashion design, culture and technology.

As a global and professional law firm, Dentons has a common desire with 751 D·Park in the development of cultural and creative industries. The integration of our professional legal services and 751 D·Park's cultural innovation platform will effectively promote the establishment and improvement of the industry rules of the cultural and creative industries, and further drive the development and enhancement of the national policies and laws on cultural industries.

Our service in the Festival is another innovation and attempt of service model upgrade in the field of creative industries and large-scale exhibitions following the service in the 751D·Park College Student Fashion Week. The Dentons team consisted of Qian Weiqing, Weng Fei and Zhao Jia.


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