Dentons advises Shengbiao (Shanghai) Medical Equipment Technology Co., Ltd.

Posting Date: 2018.04.09

In March 2018, a team led by Dentons Shanghai office senior partner Yang Pingchang signed several contracts with Shengbiao (Shanghai) Medical Equipment Technology Co., Ltd., ("Shengbiao") including a standing legal counsel agreement, and two legal service contracts for corporate risk and compliance, and equity capital contribution dispute resolution, respectively, so as to provide advice and assistance to the company in the aspects of standardization of corporate operation, arrangement of financing structures and resolution of shareholder disputes.

With the guidance of the "open innovation" concept, Shengbiao is a medical device technology company that cooperates with other companies in the same industry to create top-notch medical devices. The company's key expert team is composed of several professors from Tongji University School of Medicine. Shengbiao has also established cooperative relationships with a number of medical device clinic bases such as Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, and Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital affiliated to Tongji University School of Medicine, and innovative drug research and clinical bases. It possesses core proprietary technology and stands out in the domestic medical equipment industry. 


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