"Baidu Youqianhua-TF 2017 Phase 1 Asset-backed Security Issuance" recognized by New Fortune Best Investment Banks Rankings

Posting Date: 2018.04.03

In March 2018, New Fortune released its 11th "New Fortune Best Investment Banks" rankings. Baidu Youqianhua-TF 2017 Phase 1 Asset-backed Security Issuance, advised by a Dentons Beijing team, was recognized as "Best Asset Securitization Project (Corporate)".

The Dentons team included senior partner Liu Haiping, senior counsel Liu Fei, associates Han Tao, Chen Xiaorong and Gao Yimin.

The "New Fortune Best Investment Banks" rankings by New Fortune recognize the most outstanding investment banking projects and investment bank teams in the mainland capital market since the full circulation, and its main awards include "Best Investment Bank in China", "Best IPO", and "Best Asset Securitization Project", etc. On the basis of the international practice and in combination with the characteristics of the development of China's emerging capital markets, the rankings are based on the assessments made by major domestic institutional investors and listed companies invited by New Fortune.


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