Dentons Secures Win in Large-scale Trade Financing Case for Datang Overseas (Beijing) International Trade Corp.

Posting Date: 2017.09.28

Recently, a three-year trade financing dispute lawsuit between Dentons client Datang Overseas (Beijing) International Trade Corp., and other two parties (Anhui Huainan Chemical Group Co., Ltd. and Jiangsu Guobang Power Fuel Co., Ltd.) finally came to a successful end. Our client won a judgment by the Beijing Second Intermediate People's Court after multiple rounds of litigation. The court fully adopted our lawyers' opinions and ruled that the defendants shall pay our client approximately RMB 60 million for the goods purchased and as contractual penalties.

This case involved many complex legal relations and issues, including corporate account, entanglement of criminal and civil affairs, offenses in office, and effectiveness of seals, some of which were controversial both in jurisprudence and legal practice.

The company was advised by a Dentons Beijing-based team led by Senior Partners Qiao Lu and Xie Xiaojing. The team reviewed the case files, visited related parties to get more detailed information, and conducted a comprehensive legal research and case study on each of the focal points. On the basis of the above work, the team designed an effective litigation strategy, which helped the client receive favorable judgment in both the court of first instance and the court of second instance.


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