Dentons Advises Guangxi Laibin Industrial Investment Group Limited on 2016 First Tranche Mid-term Notes Issue

Posting Date: 2016.04.28

A Qingdao-based team recently advised Guangxi Laibin Industrial Investment Group Limited on the issuance of the first tranche of mid-term notes for 2016. The team was composed of attorneys Fan Danmei, Mou Yunchun and Lu Na.

Guangxi Laibin Industrial Investment Group Limited, a solely state-owned enterprise founded on November 18 2007 with approval from the municipal government of Laibin, is primarily engaged in the construction of Laibin Industrial Park. Laibin Industrial Park is an autonomous region-level Class-A industrial park and one of the seven giant industrial parks funded by the local government.

Up to now, the issuer has obtained a notice from National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors approving the registration of RMB800mln worth of mid-term notes. The first tranche included RMB400mln five-year-term notes underwritten by China Minsheng Bank.


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