Shanghai-based Attorneys Assist Enterprises in Patent Search and Analysis

Posting Date: 2015.03.06
A Shanghai-based team led by intellectual property senior partner Shang Jiangang and associate Yang Yuzhou assisted a number of enterprises in patent search and analysis and provided professional legal counsel on the prevention of patent infringement risks. 

In the case where a conglomerate was going to acquire a technology company, the Dacheng team was entrusted to conduct patent search and analysis on the latter’s core products. By comparing and analyzing nearly 2,000 relevant patents patented under Chinese jurisdiction, the team found some of the products ran a high risk of infringement and provided professional advice on how to avoid such infringement. Thus, the risks involved in the acquisition were considerably reduced. Based on the analysis, the team also drafted a proposal on the technology company’s patentable items. 

In another case, a Chongqing-based company entrusted the team to conduct patent infringement risk evaluation in China, Europe and the US in relation to an engine to be launched. The team analyzed nearly 3,000 patents patented in China and 2,000 relevant patents patented in Europe and the US and confirmed the high risks associated with the product. The attorneys offered their advice on how to improve the product to avoid risk of infringement from both technical and legal angels, By doing so, the potential infringement risks around the launch of the new product were greatly reduced. 

The Shanghai-based IP team is committed to providing quality patent search and analysis services catering to the needs of enterprises. 


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