Major Assets Restructuring Program of Yunnan Greenland Biological Technology Co., Ltd. Granted CSRC Approval with the Guidance of Dacheng

Posting Date: 2014.03.24

The major assets restructuring program of Yunnan Greenland Biological Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Greenland”) was recently approved by the M&A and Restructuring Review Committee of CSRC.

Greenland is the first public company in the landscape industry in China. It is also the first nationally certified landscape operator in Yunnan with Class-A qualifications and a recognized Class-B landscape designer. It undertakes national-level major science and technological research projects and leads Yunnan’s agricultural and forestry industrialization drives. The upcoming assets restructuring will enable the hi-tech company to tap Yunnan’s superior natural resources and bring a new look to the place.

Greenland’s assets restructuring program was advised by Beijing-based senior partner Yu Xugang, partner Chen Yang and Kunming-based senior partner Zhou Yourong, attorneys Jin Haiyan and Peng Jiao. The attorneys offered legal counsel, conducted due diligence, issued legal opinions, drafted or revised all transactional documents and files for authoritative approval. Their services received full recognition and commendation from the client.


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