Dacheng Attorneys Retained as Standing Legal Counsel for Nanchang Customs

Posting Date: 2014.01.29

In January 2014, a team made up of attorneys Xiong Jianxin, Peng Dingdai and Chen Jianyong from Dacheng’s Nanchang office was retained by Nanchang Customs as its standing legal counsel, after overwhelming four other local law firms in a fierce competition.
Nanchang Customs is an export-and-import regulatory body directly under the General Administration of Customs of People’s Republic of China. It is responsible for overseeing means of transport, goods, luggage, postal items and other items, collecting customs duties, taxes and fees, cracking down on smuggling, producing customs statistics and handling other customs-related business.
Following the appointment, the Nanchang-based team will advise the regulator on important decision making, customs law enforcement, civil and commercial affairs; review contracts to be signed; assist the regulator’s public-employed lawyers in reconsideration and litigation; assist in legal training; and other legal services when needed.


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