Dacheng Advises JD Capital on the Formation of a Strategy Fund

Posting Date: 2013.11.18

A strategy fund has recently been established by JD Capital and completed the first phase of fundraising by far.
With a prospective size of RMB3bn and set to close before the end of this year, the fund had RMB1bn in place already and is geared up for investment. Institutional investors such as insurers, FoFs and asset management institutions figured prominently in the first phase of fundraising, contributing more than 80%. With investment from China Reinsurance (Group) Corporation, JD Capital became one of the few private equity investment management institutions that have access to insurance capital.
Dacheng acted as legal advisor for the formation of the fund. The project was handled by senior partner Li Shoushuang and attorney Li Xue, who were tasked with fund structuring, fundraising, legal document drafting and review, design of internal management and decision-making mechanism and negotiation with investors.


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