Gathering Strength, Pooling Wisdom, and Achieving Greatness Together: Dacheng Law Offices Hosts the 2024 Dacheng Partner Meeting

Posting Date: 2024.06.30

Gathering Strength

Pooling Wisdom

Achieving Greatness Together

Dacheng Law Offices

2024 Dacheng Partner Meeting

On a grand journey, Dacheng Law Offices (Dacheng) forge ahead, amidst the ebb and flow of tides.

From June 28 to 30, 2024, Dacheng Law Offices held its 2024 Dacheng Partner Meeting in grand style in Qingdao, Shandong. Qingdao, a coastal city where elegance and modernity intertwine, pulses with a vibrant spirit of innovation, leading the vast waves of the northern economy. The essence of Dacheng embodies this same philosophy: being deeply rooted in rich heritage while brave in pursuing innovation, driving transformation through wisdom and courage, and writing a new chapter by standing at the forefront and continually breaking new ground.

Gathering strength from all directions

The Partner Conference spanned three days, bringing together nearly 1,300 partners from Dacheng's 49 offices across China. Against the backdrop of a new era, participants focused on the challenges and emerging opportunities facing the industry. Through the collision and fusion of ideas, consensus was built, invigorating the spirit of partnership. Participants collectively charted a new development blueprint, aiming to usher in a new era of innovation and growth together.

On June 28, accompanied by the solemn national anthem and the fluttering of the national flag in the venue, the conference officially kicked off.


Yuan Huazhi, Director and Chairman of the China Region Board of Dacheng Law Offices, presented the firm's work report themed "What Makes Dacheng Great: Knowledgeable Professionals in Harmonious Collaboration." His report began by analyzing the current development trends in the legal profession, then introduced the work measures that the current management has implemented since its establishment two years ago, and proposed Dacheng's future development strategies and goals.

Yuan Huazhi conducted a thorough analysis of the competitive landscape and development trends in the legal profession. Facing the intensifying competition in the legal profession, Dacheng has been continuously enhancing its service quality and efficiency through strategic measures such as specialized reform, digital transformation, and international development, further consolidating its leading position in the legal services industry. When looking ahead to future development, Yuan Huazhi proposed the strategic goal of building Dacheng into a world-class law firm and elaborated on the firm's development plans surrounding this goal, focusing on aspects such as strategic capability, professional expertise, governance, talent acquisition, innovation, and brand influence. He particularly emphasized the significance of the partnership spirit, advocating that partners should collectively bear risks and development responsibilities and share their resources, knowledge, benefits, and achievements to ensure Dacheng's sustainable development and the collective prosperity of its partners.

In his report, Yuan Huazhi summarized Dacheng's work measures over the past two years. Under the leadership of the new management, the firm has made significant progress in areas such as organizational development, strategic planning, and specialized reform. Notably, Dacheng has also achieved breakthroughs in digital transformation, enhancing service efficiency and quality through the application of platform-based and intelligent tools.

The report concluded by emphasizing the intention of Dacheng Law Offices to continually uphold the "Dacheng" spirit and utilize the partnership spirit as its bond and innovation as its driving force to steadily advance towards the goal of building itself into a world-class law firm.

The exceptional efforts of the management have laid a solid foundation for Dacheng's growth. On the afternoon of June 28, the conference heard the work report of the China Region Management.


Wang Jun, Chairman of the China Region Advisory Committee of Dacheng, represented the committee in reviewing its overall performance since its establishment,  alongside all participating partners, and elaborated and shared the current implementation status and future work vision, with discussion centered around the strategic approach to moderate and high-quality scaling up of the firm.

Wang Jun emphasized that over the past two years, the advisory committee had actively fulfilled its functions, passed various important proposals with the strong support of all committee members and offices across China, ensured the normal operation and smooth day-to-day functioning of the firm, and played a crucial role in guiding Dacheng on a steady course. Additionally, in alignment with the development objectives in Dacheng's "Fifth Five-Year Plan," a dedicated task force has been established to research the construction and institutional systems of the firm's offices. Through field visits, surveys, and guidance, the task force is progressively advancing the establishment of domestic offices, ensuring the steady, moderate, and high-quality development of new offices while enhancing the construction, management, and overall performance of existing offices. In the future, Dacheng will build a multi-tiered, comprehensive legal service cooperation ecosystem centered around the firm, following the principles of co-construction, sharing, symbiosis, and mutual prosperity. It aims to fully leverage global resources and harness local wisdom to develop its operations in a uniquely Chinese manner.

Looking ahead, the advisory committee will continue to play an advisory role in the firm's decision-making process, monitor Dacheng's efforts in scaling up, maintain effective communication and coordination with each office, and foster consensus and concerted efforts to ensure that Dacheng remains a leader in the development of the legal profession in China.


Jiang Rongqing, Director of the China Region Supervisory Committee of Dacheng, presented the committee's work report to all partners. The report centered on the principles of "performance supervision as the focus, standardized and integrated operations as the foundation, and four key areas of work as priorities," comprehensively summarizing the committee's activities and achievements.

The report began by emphasizing the supervisory committee's critical role within Dacheng's unique management framework of "discussing, deciding, executing, and supervising," which equals an important guarantee for trust among partners and democratic governance within the firm. Through performance supervision, the supervisory committee ensures compliance in decision-making and execution processes. Moreover, it has established a full-process supervision mechanism that has evolved from Version 1.0, which is characterized by daring to supervise, to Version 2.0, which encompasses pre-event, in-event, and post-event supervision, and finally to Version 3.0, which incorporates performance reporting and assessment for the management. Through continuous optimization of its operational model, the supervisory committee has achieved effective supervision. The report also mentioned that the supervisory committee has boosted the firm's internal cooperation expectations and confidence through its standardized and integrated operations, playing a crucial role in Dacheng's transformation from a large firm to a powerful one. Based on the annual work focus, the supervisory committee has prioritized key areas of work, including self-construction, risk control supervision, professional supervision, and financial supervision, ensuring the smooth implementation of Dacheng's specialized reforms and safeguarding the firm's risk control thresholds. The report concluded by noting that the supervisory committee highlighted work discipline and ensured orderly and democratic work practices with the establishment of regular meeting systems, work checklist systems, shift rotation systems, and designated responsibility systems. In terms of financial supervision, the supervisory committee has refined its operational mechanisms, ensuring rational budget formulation and execution, thereby enhancing partners' trust in the management.


Dai Xin, Head of the China Region Management Committee, represented the committee in reviewing its main achievements over the past two years and outlined the committee's future work objectives.

The management committee's report first focused on the establishment of an operational management system centered around financial accounting. This system is designed not only to enhance the firm's capacity for scientific decision-making but also to assist in optimizing resource allocation and effectively mitigating operational risks. By advancing the integration of finance and business, we have provided strong data support for our firm's professional development and business growth. The report points out that the current management committee will conduct management while delivering services and implement the firm's new development strategy based on "three points, six elements, eight orientations, and ten lines". It will strive to facilitate the firm's enhancement in expertise and strengthening of core competency by focusing on the tasks of professionalization, digitalization, and platform building and taking such measures as assisting in establishing new professional institutions, optimizing digital platforms, and building a talent coordination mechanism. Besides, the management committee will promote the firm's building of offices and assist in its moderate-scale development and legal service market expansion. It will continue undertaking brand promotion. Through new website upgrades, ESG report releases, and the utilization of new media platforms, it has managed to enhance the firm's brand visibility and influence.

The report finally proposes the management committee's following work priorities, including the deep integration of business and finance, the dual drive of professionalization and digitalization, the balance between commonalities and individuality in execution, and unimpeded communication and feedback. Through these efforts, the management committee aims to promote the firm's refined operations and service management, thereby driving Dacheng towards the goal of building itself into a world-class law firm.


The management committee's work report is not only a review and summary of past work but also a mobilization and commitment of Dacheng to its future development. The entire partners enthusiastically applauded the management of Dacheng for its efforts in promoting the firm's development, strengthening its internal management, ensuring its service quality, and making strategies for its long-term development.


The partner conference specially invited Wang Zhongde, Honorary Chairman of the Dacheng Global Network Joint Conference, Honorary Managing Partner of Dacheng, and President of the Dacheng International Legal Services Research Institute, to take the stage and deliver a speech.

President Wang Zhongde praised the work report presented by Yuan Huazhi. He believed that the report comprehensively, objectively, and scientifically summarizes the experience gained since the establishment of Dacheng, thoroughly encapsulates the firm's top ten advantages in the industry, and outlines the grand blueprint for Dacheng's future development. The report reveals the development laws and future trends of the Chinese legal industry from Dacheng's growth trajectory. Wang Zhongde emphasized that Dacheng has created a unique operation and management model by integrating democracy, the rule of law, and high technologies in its ecosystem. In addition, it has set up a strategic and foundational platform for every lawyer to realize their personal value and professional ideals and a favorable environment for lawyers to grow into expert and even super-expert individuals. The Dacheng model possesses tremendous vitality and infinite space for the unrestrained growth of lawyers. What Dacheng currently needs most is to establish a scientific and reasonable cooperation mechanism among these strong individual experts. Wang Zhongde highly praised Yuan Huazhi's statement that "Dacheng's overall strategy will be castles in the air without a digital operation platform." Wang Zhongde believed that the digital operation platform is the key to implementing Dacheng's overall strategy, the primary carrier of the firm's operation and management, the venue for Dacheng to integrate online and offline activities, and the indispensable path to achieve Dacheng's integration. Wang Zhongde emphasized that Dacheng's top priority is to accelerate the construction of its digital operation platform.

Wang Zhongde reviewed Dacheng's achievements in the past and provided profound insights into the future, offering strategic ideas for Dacheng's development of the next step.

Pooling wisdom from all sources


Dacheng has adhered to an open development strategy of "Global Reach, Local Insight" and established a priority cooperation relationship with Dentons, an international law firm. Elliott Portnoy, CEO of Dentons, delivered a video speech to Dacheng's partner conference. In his speech, Mr. Portnoy expressed his appreciation for the long-term cooperative relationship between Dacheng and Dentons. He introduced the latest developments of Dentons' vast global legal service network spanning 167 locations in 82 countries to the Dacheng partners and expressed the hope that Dacheng would leverage this network resource to expand its global business further and better serve its clients. At the same time, Mr. Portnoy mentioned that under the new cooperation framework, the two parties would work closely together to ensure seamless service integration and continuous business growth.

Mr. Portnoy expressed full confidence in the cooperation prospects between Dentons and Dacheng, hoping that this relationship can be strengthened in the future. He envisioned new opportunities for Dentons and Dacheng in their future cooperation, expressed his firm confidence in the continued development of the relationship between the two parties, and hoped that they could deepen their cooperation and jointly usher in an even more brilliant future.


Partners from Dentons' offices in India, Indonesia, Singapore, South Korea, the UK, Germany, Italy, Vietnam, and Hong Kong, China participated in the meeting and delivered speeches. Participating in the Qingdao meeting, the representatives from Dentons' offices came together with partners of Dacheng and deepened communication, exchanges, and cooperation. The two sides expressed that they would strengthen cooperation in more fields in the future, complement each other's strengths, and achieve win-win cooperation.

Dacheng has always regarded talent development as the core pillar and driving force of the firm's development. The expertise, dedication, and innovative capabilities of every lawyer are the driving forces propelling Dacheng to forge ahead. In this partner conference, Dacheng officially announced the joining and promotion of 87 senior partners and senior consultants in the China region. 



On June 29, the conference invited Academician Shi Yigong from the Chinese Academy of Sciences to deliver a keynote speech titled Life Sciences and Future Development for Dacheng partners.

Academician Shi delved into the importance of life sciences and its profound impact on the future of humanity. From the macro perspective of technological development, he introduced research fields such as food science and biology and emphasized their crucial role in promoting human health. Academician Shi also discussed the development prospects of gene editing technology and stem cell therapy, as well as the application potential of artificial intelligence in life sciences.

In his speech, Academician Shi shared scientific knowledge and encouraged listeners to reflect on the future development of life sciences. He emphasized the development path of combining education, technology, and talent, as well as the driving force of technological innovation on social development. Academician Shi pointed out that technological progress and innovative thinking are the key forces driving social advancement, which is equally applicable to the legal industry.

Dacheng's partner applauded warmly for Academician Shi's wonderful speech.

Achieving Greatness Together


In the wave of globalization, ESG has become a key indicator to measure corporate social responsibility and long-term value. Dacheng, as a pioneer in the legal service field, has always adhered to its deep understanding and firm commitment to environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG). It has integrated ESG concepts into its law firm culture and business practices and strives to set a model for sustainable development in this field. At this partner conference, the ESG Report of Dacheng Law Offices for 2021-2023 was released officially.


The report elaborates on Dacheng's forward-looking concepts and solid initiatives in environmental protection, social responsibility, and corporate governance. It demonstrates Dacheng's firm commitment to sustainable development and social responsibility, as well as the practical results achieved in the global legal service field.

Dacheng's voyage in legal services has been able to sail against the wind and waves, which is inseparable from the efforts and struggles of every colleague. It is the cumulative efforts of all colleagues that have converged into the powerful driving force behind Dacheng's thriving development. To commend the advanced and set up role models, Dacheng Law Offices has grandly launched the 2023 annual evaluation and award ceremony for the head office and branch offices, as well as the 2024 selection and awarding ceremony for Dacheng's outstanding young lawyers in China.

The 2023 Annual Evaluation and Award Ceremony for Dacheng Law Offices' Head Office and Branch Offices


The 2023 Excellence Award for Party Building

Kunming Office, Chongqing Office, Shanghai Office, Nanning Office, Beijing Head Office, Urumqi Office, Harbin Office, Hangzhou Office, Fuzhou Office, and Guangzhou Office

Wherever the Party flag points, that is where their hearts are directed.

They take Party building as their soul,

Forging the cornerstone of their faith,

Leading Dacheng to forge ahead amidst the tides of the times;

With hearts full of sincerity and selfless dedication,

They contribute to the glorious cause of the Party,

Writing a magnificent chapter of loyalty and responsibility!


The 2023 Advanced Grass-roots Party Organization

Jilin Office, Nanjing Office, Qingdao Office, Xiamen Office, Shenzhen Office, Shenyang Office, Shijiazhuang Office, Changchun Office, Changsha Office, and Zhuhai Office

Sparks spread like a prairie fire, illuminating the path ahead;

Faith is as firm as a rock, shaping a monument of the times.

They are the vanguard of the new era,

Forging ahead under the Party's flag.

They are a magnetic field gathering strength,

An engine driving development and innovation,

A lighthouse guiding the way.

On the grand journey of their cause,

With their outstanding achievements,

They have demonstrated the advanced nature and fighting power of the Party organization!


Excellence Award for Supervision 

Beijing Head Office, Fuzhou Office, Guangzhou Office, Harbin Office, Haikou Office, Nanjing Office, Shanghai Office, Shenzhen Office, Shenyang Office, and Wuhan Office

Verdant bamboo and ancient pines stand upright,

Jade pots and autumn moon sing of the cool breeze.

They are clear-minded and righteous,

Undaunted by difficulties, unwavering in their responsibilities,

Guarding rules with their actions,

Defending justice with their resolve.

Through their supervisory duties,

They have built an impregnable defense for Dacheng's management system,

Ensuring the corporate foundation is as solid as a rock,

The stream of justice flows unobstructed.


Excellence Award for Professional Development

Beijing Head Office, Dalian Office, Fuzhou Office, Guangzhou Office, and Shanghai Office

Enduring work is precious while excellence in one's career is valuable.

They hone their expertise with unwavering focus,

Wielding their professional skills to blaze new trails.

Observing widely yet acting with precision and building up steadily then unleashing powerfully,

The prestigious brand of professionalism for Dacheng,

Meticulously carved stroke by stroke by their hands;

The pinnacles of the industry,

Scaling ever higher because of their ascent.


Excellence Award for Revenue Growth

Nanjing Office, Inner Mongolia Office, Xi'an Office, Xining Office, and Yichang Office

Step by step, reaching a thousand miles; 

Gathering small streams, forming mighty rivers and seas. 

Day after day of steadfast accumulation,

Culminating in today's impressive achievements.

Behind the eye-catching growth curve,

Lie countless attempts and breakthroughs,

Embodying a tireless pursuit of excellence,

Witnessing a magnificent transformation from quantitative to qualitative change.


Excellence Award for Human Resources

Changchun Office, Chengdu Office, Guangzhou Office, Nanjing Office, and Nantong Office

Achievements come from capabilities while careers require broad talents.

Those who accomplish great undertakings must center on people.

They discern talents with keen insight, nurture talents with care,

Employ talents meticulously and gather talents with wise plans.

Only then can people fully utilize their abilities and great things be accomplished.

Amassing a multitude of talented individuals,

Dacheng utilizes them to achieve success and earn rewards,

A rising tide of talent, forging magnificent accomplishments together!


Excellence Award for Digital Construction

Changchun Office, Fuzhou Office, Kunming Office, Xi'an Office, and Yinchuan Office

The victors are those who seek innovation while the wise are those who embrace change.

In the digital transformation tidal wave, they courageously lead the charge,

Grasping the pulse of the times and perceiving the opportunities for transformation,

They precisely unlock the core keys to the firm's digitalization,

With the pen of pioneers,

Painting a magnificent picture of innovation-driven development,

Steering the industry's ship towards boundless future possibilities.


Excellence Award for Marketing

Chengdu Office, Nanjing Office, Shanghai Office, Suzhou Office, and Zhengzhou Office

From the South to the North, individuals of diverse backgrounds abound,

They wield their craft with unique ingenuity, meticulously carving out masterpieces of distinctive styles;

The market fluctuates swiftly, constantly evolving with glamour,

They are passionately engaged, astutely grasping the overarching trends of development.

Wielding the long sword and galloping the steed while wielding the enchanting brush to create works of art,

Their tangible achievements shine through paintings while their ink strokes craft a magnificent chapter.


Excellence Award for Risk Prevention and Control

Beijing Head Office, Hefei Office, Shenzhen Office, Taiyuan Office, and Xiamen Office

Uphold the unwavering resolve,

To achieve greatness.

With keen insight,

They identify various potential risks,

With a rigorous attitude,

They erect one safeguard after another.

Stability paves the way for far-reaching achievements.

Their composure is as solid as a mountain and their strategies as vast as the ocean.

Unafraid of raging winds and towering waves, their success shall be boundless!


Excellence Award for Financial Management

Guiyang Office, Shenzhen Office, Yichang Office, and Zhengzhou Office

A nine-story tower begins with the piling of earth.

Computation after computation, precise and without error;

Expenditure after expenditure, scrutinized with meticulous care.

They tenderly sustain the financial legacy,

Ensuring each increment of growth is firm and reliable,

Each step of expansion is steady and powerful,

Keeping the wellspring of the economy flowing and ever-renewing.


Excellence Award for Public Legal Services

Changzhou Office, Harbin Office, Hangzhou Office, Nanning Office, and Zhoushan Office

Upholding the law to do good and embodying virtues through regulations,

They tread the path of public legal services,

Sowing the seeds of the rule of law,

Nurturing the soil of justice.

Each drop of sweat

Irrigating their deep love of fairness and justice.

With the law as their plow,

Their heartfelt recognition for tilling the field of social justice!

The 2024 Selection for Dacheng's Outstanding Young Lawyers in China


Dacheng Youth · Shining Stars

The budding of a hundred flowers and the fresh edge of a sharp blade,

Responsibility is bestowed upon the youth while glory belongs to the youth.

Bearing the azure sky and reaching the southern depths while hoisting the cloud-filled sails and crossing the boundless oceans,

They are in the prime of their youth, shining with brilliance.

Plucking the stars, embracing the moon, chasing the sun, and pursuing the light,

Their ambitions soar through the clouds, straight into the vast heavens!

Dacheng Youth·Future Stars

The sword's blade is honed through grinding.

With the vigor of youth,

They bear the heavy expectations of the era,

Revealing the great potential of the young.

They cleave through the waves and blaze new trails,

Forging new paths amidst the high winds and crashing waves.

Dacheng's youth boasts boundless potential;

Dacheng's future is filled with infinite possibilities!

Dacheng Youth·Guiding Stars

Those who act succeed and those who strive arrive

They neither pursue empty fantasies nor chase illusions.

They bravely shoulder responsibilities and march forward with high spirits,

With extraordinary wisdom and knowledge,

They paint the outlines of the future.

With the voice of youth and the determination of their spirit,

They come together to fulfill the call of the times and forge the future of Dacheng!

Dacheng Youth · Public Welfare Stars

They are filled with sincerity, supporting the weak and aiding the needy,

Transforming the creed of "Justice and Compassion Hand in Hand"

Into the warmest footnotes in society.

Though great love is silent, its impact is thunderous,

In the name of their youth,

They compose the symphony of hope, igniting the light of the rule of law!

As the list of award recipients was read out, the applause on site rose like the summer ocean waves - passionate and invigorating. Immediately afterwards, a series of splendid artistic performances took the joy to a new climax.

The dancers of "Flying Skirt" ignited the enthusiasm on site instantly with their cheerful rhythm and gorgeous dancing postures, just like the sea breeze in summer. The reciters of "Dacheng in the Year of the Loong" conveyed their infinite love for Dacheng and beautiful vision for the future with emotional deduction.

The melodious melody of "Wait", "Lotus Story" and Italy's song "Speak Softly Love" led us to shuttle through the ocean of music, allowing us to feel the yearning for a better life in our hearts. The dance steps in The Quiet, Peaceful Melody were graceful. Along with the poetic recitation of Visiting East Lake in Wuchang, the integrated artistic performance vividly expressed the deep love for and attachment to the homeland. Featuring unique ethnic customs, the dance of "Ode to Tianshan" took us into the mysterious world at the foot of Tianshan, and we embarked on a journey of feeling its magnificence and mystery. The passionate melody of "Song of Dacheng" made people excited and feel the ambition and lofty sentiments of Dacheng people.

Two songs, namely "Smiling at the Passing Scene" and "Doing Everything Well", presented the diversity of Dacheng culture with regional characteristics and made people feel the charm of different regional cultures. The singing and dancing performance of "Try Everything" brought the vitality of youth to every audience. The programs called "I'm a Dacheng Lawyer" and "The Path to Becoming a Highly Skilled and Esteemed Physician" perfectly integrated traditional culture with modern professional spirit, showing the professional literacy and deep feelings of Dacheng people. The chorus of "No Pain No Gain" and "The King of Lawyers" expressed the fighting spirit and kingly demeanor of Dacheng people, making people feel the unyielding and courageous spirit of Dacheng. The cheongsam and ethnic-style costumes show "Yunnan's Dazzling Ethnic Style" showcased the extensive, profound and unique charm of China's traditional culture with costumes as the medium.


The chorus of "The Same Song" and "Sunshine Road" brought the atmosphere to a climax, and all attendees' chorus of "Ode to the Motherland" pushed the party to a climax, expressing the deep love of Dacheng people for the motherland.

In the midst of laughter and cheerful voices, the night gradually fell. The brilliant lights and starlight interweaved with each other. With the gentle evening breeze, the participating partners stepped into the dreamy moment of "Dacheng · Midsummer Night's Dream" exchange wine party. Surrounded by fine wine and delicacies, as well as music and songs, they discussed the poetry and distance of lawyers.

On the third day of the meeting, 13 fruitful parallel special meetings were held. The parallel special meetings focused on several key aspects of the construction and development of the firm for intensive exchanges and discussions. Participation in the 13 parallel meetings was chosen by the partners according to the theme of the meeting.

At the 15th Anniversary Celebration of Qingdao Office, the office reviewed its development history and proposed to continue to pay attention to the development of talents and professional teams, so as to meet market development and customer needs, make continuous progress in industry competition, and enhance ambition. At the same time, it will also continue to devote itself to and serve public welfare to promote the development of society, build it into a warm law office on the basis of scale and specialization, and explore new quality productive forces.

The convening of the 2024 Professional Development Summit will ensure the full implementation of professional reforms. The summit promptly evaluated the performance of the new professional institutions, summarized results, exchanged experiences, and improved related work in a targeted manner.

In order to comprehensively strengthen the Party building of Dacheng and encourage all Party organizations and Party members in each office to strive for excellence and make achievements, the Enlarged Meeting of the Joint CPC Committee commended advanced grass-roots Party organizations, outstanding Party members and outstanding Party workers, hoping that Party organizations and Party members at all levels and Party workers of Dacheng will take the advanced Party organizations as an example, adhere to the overall leadership of the Party over lawyer work, stick to the correct political direction, and enthusiastically devote themselves to the construction of a socialist country under the rule of law.

The Strategy and Development Seminar conducted exchanges and discussions around the "Fifth Five-Year Plan" of Dacheng. The seminar was presided over by Li Shoushuang, Initiator of the Strategy and Development Committee. Wang Zhongde, President of Dacheng Research Institute, was invited to publicize and implement the "Fifth Five-Year Plan". Wang Jun, Chairman of the Advisory Committee, and China Region Director Li Chen shared their understanding of the "Fifth Five-Year Plan" and the future development vision of Dacheng with the participants respectively.

During the Digital Development Communication Meeting, all partners conducted fruitful communication and exchanges, offered ideas and suggestions, and reached an effective consensus on the future strategic development of Dacheng. The participants deeply felt the importance and urgency of digitalization for the development of the firm and were even more excited by the phased achievements.

The Work Exchange Seminar for China Region Young Lawyers aims to promote the exchange and cooperation of Dacheng's young lawyers, listen to their voices, promote the work of young lawyers and provide a platform for learning and growth.

The Exchange Salon for China Region Professional Institutions was held on the outdoor lawn of Qingdao Oriental Movie Metropolis Convention Center and open to all partners throughout June 30.

With the theme of "Gathering Innovative Power, Leading the Market Future", the China Region Market Summit conducted intensive exchanges and discussions on the development, reform and innovation of market brand building.

At the China Region Risk Control — Finance Conference, the participating partners conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on how to improve financial management and prevent and control lawyer practice risks under the new situation and put forward many valuable suggestions, providing ideas and paths for the professional development and improvement of risk control compliance and business-finance integration of firms in the digital and intelligent era.

On the afternoon of June 30, the China Region Human Resources Planning and Appraisal Committee held the Meeting on China Region Human Resources Work. Nanjing Office and Nantong Office, which won the 2023 "Human Resources Excellence Award", were invited to share their advanced practices and experience in human resources construction and development. The meeting was briefed on and discussed the main contents, design ideas and directions of top-level strategy and planning for China region human resources.

The Internationalization Work Meeting was open to all partners of Dacheng. At the meeting, the director in charge of internationalization reviewed the internationalization work of the firm and reported on the current work content and the next stage of work arrangement. They then discussed the internationalization management and development strategy of the firm.

At the China Region Executive Work Meeting, participants fully discussed how to improve the execution effectiveness and improve the firm's daily services and management, laying the foundation for the subsequent implementation of the firm's initiatives on eight key dimensions (specialization, branding, digital transformation, integration, platform development, moderate scaling, internationalization, and ecological sustainability) and enhancing integrated execution.

The road is as solid and enduring as a whetstone, and the walkers have no limits in vision or action;

The sea is boundless, and the sailors are fearless.

After 32 years of hard work, Dacheng has not only made remarkable achievements, but also injected new impetus into future development through continuous inheritance and innovation. Nowadays, in the new era, all partners of Dacheng will continue to carry forward the spirit of "Dacheng" and embark on a new development journey by gathering strength and pooling wisdom. Taking this partner conference as a new starting point, we will pursue further achievements, work together to write a bright and magnificent future chapter in the legal circle, and jointly create a glorious legal cause.



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