Dacheng lawyer attended "Automotive Data Governance and Safety Development Symposium" and delivered a speech

Posting Date: 2024.03.29

On March 21, 2024, Dacheng Digital Business Center was invited to attend the "Automotive Data Governance and Safety Development Symposium" hosted by CAIEC Wanglian Technology Co., Ltd. Themed as "Unleashing the Value of Automobile Data and Enabling the Safe Development of the Automobile Industry", the seminar will focus on "Data Compliance Management", "Data Application and Trading", and "Data Security Governance" and other key industries to discuss new opportunities, challenges and paths for the development and governance of automobile data security. More than 200 guests from automotive companies, scientific research institutions, telecommunications companies, security companies, universities and other entities attended the Symposium.


Themed on "Common Data Compliance Issues in the Process of Automobile Companies Going Overseas", Dacheng partner Zhao Zhongxing exchanged views with automobile companies on hot practical issues such as global regulatory trends, determination of Data Compliance benchmarks, cross-border data flow structure of the automotive industry and responses to security incidents, etc.

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Dacheng Digital Business Center is committed to providing one-stop services for China automobile companies going overseas, covering three-dimensional support in the areas of plant investment and construction, automobile trade, export control, data security and compliance.


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