The Fourth "Dacheng Cup" Dispute Resolution Litigation Competition Training Camp Concluded Successfully

Posting Date: 2023.11.16

On July 8, 2023, the Fourth "Dacheng Cup" Dispute Resolution Litigation Competition training camp officially kicked off in Xiamen. The training camp is guided by Xiamen Law Society, organized by Dacheng Dispute Resolution Committee and Dacheng Criminal Committee, and undertaken by Dacheng Xiamen Office. The training camp gathered with many famous teachers and rich in topics to share, ranging from civil debate, criminal defense and international arbitration debate, presenting a rare legal knowledge feast for the participants.


On the morning of July 8, the event was moderated by Guo Xiaolu, deputy director of the Youth Work Committee of Dacheng Xiamen Office, who extended a sincere welcome to the guests and participants on behalf of Dacheng Xiamen Office.


Guest Address

Li Baoming, a member of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of Xiamen Municipal Party Committee and full-time vice president of Xiamen Law Society, gave a speech on behalf of the Party group of Xiamen Law Society, wishing the training camp a successful opening. At the same time, Vice President Li Baoming put forward the following requirements: First, we should earnestly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era and Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law; Second, we should further enhance the professional level and ability of legal workers and turn legal skills into advantages of specialized services.

Han Youyi, senior partner of Dacheng Beijing Office, delivered a congratulatory speech and reviewed his profound experience in upgrading his logic and multi-dimensional thinking.

Wang Yu, senior partner of Dacheng Beijing Office, delivered a congratulatory speech and introduced the goal and purpose of the "Dacheng Cup" Dispute Resolution Litigation Competition, aiming to promote the exchange and discussion between Dacheng lawyers and reshape the essence of litigation and debate.


Theme Sharing

On the morning of July 8, Wang Yu, senior partner of Dacheng Beijing Office, shared the overall plan of the Debate Competition to the participants. Lawyer Wang introduced in detail the "four plates" of lawyers' professional model: the object of work; the professional cognitive system; analysis and solution; and the presentation. And it hopes to build the Debate Competition into four platforms: a platform for the continued growth of Dacheng young lawyers; a platform for the continued mentoring of Dacheng senior lawyers; a platform for the continued precipitation of Dacheng excellent skills and memory; and a platform for the continued output of Dacheng brand influence.

At the end of the theme, Lawyer Wang, on behalf of the "Dacheng Cup" Dispute Resolution Litigation Competition organizing committee, announced the formal establishment of the "Dacheng Debate Team", and invited 8 outstanding lawyers to become the official members of the Dacheng Debate Team and awarded the Team Badge. (Formal notice will be issued on the selection Team and the Dacheng Debate Team will Be Selected)

Dacheng Beijing Head Office Senior Partner Han Youyi shared on how innovation and critical thinking are formed. The lawyer stressed that the philosophical basis of critical thinking is to understand and accept "openness", and formal logic is the way of thinking of critical thinking, so "any view should prove itself".

Li Chen, Senior Partner of Dacheng Nanjing Office, will share his opinions on the theme of "Legitimacy Review — — Logical Starting Point for Lawyer-Client Political Litigations". From the perspective of lawyer observation, lawyer Li Chen analyzes the hot and difficult points of administrative litigation at the present stage and emphasizes that the logical starting point should be legality review and due process review.

On the afternoon of July 8th, Li Zeyu, member of the Youth Working Committee of Dacheng Xiamen Office hosted the event.


The special exchange event of "Civil Litigation Discussion" was hosted by Guo Hongqing, senior partner of Dacheng Xiamen Office. Cheng Yi, senior partner of Dacheng Beijing Head Office, Wuqindian, senior consultant of Dacheng Nanjing Office and Xia Xia, senior consultant of Dacheng Taiyuan Office were invited to attend the discussion. The guests gave in-depth discussions on topics such as the promotion of the ability of debating by competition, how to make pre-trial preparations, how to convince the judge, how to present evidence and cross-examine evidence, how to impress the judge, how to deal with frequent interruption in the hearing, the role of attorney's statement, whether it is necessary to communicate with the judge after the trial, how to write legal documents, how a judge's way of thinking is different from that of a lawyer, what training is needed to express accurately, how to deal with the inferior position in debating, and how to study litigation and arbitration. The guests brought a "brain storm" full of practical information.

ZHU Yongrui, senior partner of Dacheng Beijing Head Office Senior Partner, gave a seminar on the Adaptation and Expression in International Arbitration – from the perspective of arbitrators. From the perspective of arbitrators, Mr. Zhu Yongrui combined his own knowledge and extensive international arbitration experience, and shared with the guests in depth on how to adapt and express oneself in international arbitration, and emphasized that lawyers should assist the arbitration tribunal in ascertaining facts, and then let the arbitration tribunal adopt one's point of view.

The special exchange event on "How Criminal Lawyers Control Courtroom" was hosted by Mr. Jiang Zhiqiang, partner of Dacheng Beijing Head Office, and invited Huimin Ding of Dacheng Beijing Head Office, Zhiqi Tang, senior partner of Dacheng Xiamen Office, Wenxin Zheng, partner of Dacheng Fuzhou Office, and Chunyuan Liu of Dacheng Shanghai Office for discussions. Starting from the proposition of "How Criminal Lawyers Control Courtroom", and in light of their own case handling experience, the guests shared their experience and thoughts on how to control courtroom in handling criminal cases, and brought a wonderful "feast of thoughts" for the attendees.


The biennial "Dacheng Cup" training camp was officially opened. The two-day training opened a vision to the attendees of civil debate, criminal defense and international arbitration debate. Through this training camp, our colleagues of Dacheng Xiamen Office can not only experience the profound theoretical level and professional quality of the big names in various fields, but also exchange and learn with the excellent peers all over the country. The follow-up training camp is worth looking forward to.


On July 9, 2023, the fourth "Dacheng Cup" Dispute Resolution Courtroom Contest training camp continued in Egret Island Xiamen Mission.



Theme Sharing

The morning of July 9 was hosted by Wu Shaobo, member of the Youth Work Committee of Dacheng Xiamen Office. On behalf of Dacheng Xiamen Office, he extended a sincere welcome and thanks to the guests and colleagues for attending the meeting.

Dacheng Beijing Head Office, senior partner Hu Jun with "What does criminal defense need? What can the Contest Practice? "carried out an in-depth professional sharing on the theme. Lawyer Hu Jun begins by discussing the purpose of the debate, and puts forward that the purpose of debate is to "see oneself, see all sentient beings, see heaven and earth" and "take people's strong points, and the world as my teacher"; then, from four aspects of writing, speaking, listening and reading, it analyzes the various performances that lawyers should demonstrate in the debate competition, emphasizing that the test of the ability to express, to think, and to respond on the spot. Lawyer Hu Jun's share perfectly corresponds to the guiding ideology of "leading training in the competition, using the competition as training", and profoundly analyzes the core of the competition, which is worth deep thinking and comprehension by colleagues present.

Based on the "topic, problem solving and training methods" of Dacheng Beijing Head Office, Partner Lin Xiaodong shared with the participants a special topic, analyzed the internal logic of the topic setting and solving, and focused on various training methods to promote the ability of solving questions, and put forward the standardization requirements for the ability of lawyers to argue. Lawyer Lin Xiaodong's wonderful share not only deconstructed the skills of the competition, but also introduced a number of unique and efficient legal training methods through a number of classic cases, providing a feasible path for the participants to prepare for the competition and strengthen their legal ability.

Dacheng Guangzhou Senior Partner Xu Yongsheng, from the perspective of offense and defense of both sides, brought to the participants the theme of "The Concept of Attack and Defense that Litigants Should Build". Xu Yongsheng carried out a systematic analysis of the methodology that litigants should master and use in the process of attack and defense of litigation from five dimensions: case guiding, way of thinking, core ability, comparison of attack and defense, logic verification, etc., and pointed out that "some judgments are not written in the judgment, but hidden in the adjudicator's heart", stressing that lawyers should set up strict self-professional requirements. Xu Yongsheng's methodology is its own school, and the big way is simple, bringing profound enlightenment to colleagues attending the meeting in handling litigation cases.


Civil and Criminal Procedure Chamber

The afternoon of July 9th training camp was held in the form of civil and criminal sub-venues. The civil sub-venue was chaired by Ji Ying, member of Dacheng Xiamen Office Youth Working Committee, and the criminal sub-venue was chaired by Lin Jie, member of Dacheng Xiamen Office Youth Working Committee.

Dacheng Nanjing Senior Consultant Wu Qindian shared with the theme of "The Basic Analysis of Civil and Commercial Cases". Wu Qindian first introduced two basic analysis methods of civil cases, i. e., the right of claim basis analysis method and the legal relationship analysis method. On the basis of comparing the traditional analysis methods, Wu Qindian systematically interpreted the third legal analysis method, the whole analysis method. Finally, Wu Qindian put forward his own unique analysis method of claim elements, and carried out a systematic analysis on the application of the analysis method. Wu Qindian's unique analysis method opened a new way to the participants, and provided a new way to improve the comprehensive ability to handle the case and the competitiveness of the industry.


Criminal Procedure Chamber

Dacheng Beijing Senior Partner Xu Ping, from the perspective of prosecution and defense, shared the theme of "Shield of Accusation VS Spear of Defense". At the beginning of sharing, lawyer Xu Ping put forward at the beginning that based on the difference in the distribution of burden of proof and the way of thinking, the prosecution and the defense are the defense and the defense in criminal procedure, "the defense uses the spear of doubt thinking to fight against the prosecution's the shield of legality thinking." On this basis, lawyer Xu Ping combined his senior experience in handling cases, introduced in detail the mistakes that the prosecution and the defense are prone to make in both procedural law and substantive law, and put forward effective solutions and countermeasures for various kinds of mistakes. Lawyer Xu Ping's sharing content is highly refined and practical, and provides effective guidelines for colleagues attending the meeting to handle criminal cases.


The two-day "Dacheng Cup" Dispute Resolution Contest training camp came to a successful end. The training camp featured a galaxy of legal experts and the course was full of dry material, providing a valuable opportunity and platform for colleagues to communicate and learn from each other. Through the training camp, colleagues not only learned rich, diverse and advanced legal knowledge and thinking methods, but also upgraded and honed their own professional ability and legal literacy. Dacheng has always adhered to and practiced the concept of specialization, and I believe that the success of the training camp will add great color to the practice of Dacheng's specialization.


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